Bible Matrix ⑦_257_REV 4 – ‘Throne in Heaven’ in Revelation 4 is the background for Revelation 1~20
Bible Matrix ⑦: Historical & Scientific Views on Daniel and Revelation
Part 2. Revelation
Revelation 4 - Throne in Heaven and Worship in Heaven(c.AD 8,580~)
1. ‘Throne in Heaven’ in Revelation 4 is the background for Revelation 1~20
○ Conclusively speaking, as I already mentioned ‘the seven spirits before the throne’ of Revelation 1:4 in Bible Matrix ⑦_108, before John writes the chapter 1 of Revelation, ‘The Throne of God the Father' in the chapter 4 of Revelation, which was in Enoch’s 10th heaven (2 Enoch 22), with the giant aircraft carrier spaceship, has already been entered, set and opened in ‘the Asteroid Belt', namely, ‘sky‘, or ‘heaven', or 'expanse’ between Mars and Jupiter around AD 8,580~.
○ Therefore, ‘The Throne in Heaven’ in the chapter 4 of Revelation is the background for chapters 1 to 20 of Revelation. At this time, the background means that ‘The Throne in Heaven’ governs and controls all programs from chapters 1 to 20 of Revelation, namely, all events and judgments recorded in the Book of Revelation. And the next chapters 21 and 22 are prophecies about the Holy City of New Jerusalem.
○ In Revelation 4:1, it reads, “After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven……Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this)”(NIV).
○ “After this,” which are repeated twice here, means that after John recorded the messages of Jesus to the seven churches in chapters 2 and 3 of Revelation, he looked and found that a door to ‘The Throne in Heaven’ had been already there. Therefore, we can see that ‘The Throne in Heaven’ is the event that occurred prior to the messages to the seven churches, and that ‘The Throne in Heaven’ is primary and the messages to the seven churches is secondary to ‘The Throne in Heaven’.
○ “I will show you what must take place” means that, from the chapter 4 of Revelation, John records not the past-present-future of the seven churches, but what must happen in the future.
○ Accordingly, chapters 4 to 20 of Revelation are oriented toward the future (will be or is to be) as: John records (1) the test and judgments of Jesus from ‘The Throne in Heaven’, (2) the judgments after the second coming of Jesus in the air over the earth, (3) the judgements after the second coming of Jesus to earth from the air, and (4) the kingdom of ‘The Thousand Years’…. at this time, it is God the Father who sits on the throne in heaven and watches all these things that Jesus, or the Son of Man, is judging the world.
○ Therefore, ‘The Throne in Heaven’ in the chapter 4 of Revelation becomes the background for chapters 1 to 20 of Revelation. The next chapters 21 and 22 are prophecies about the Holy City of New Jerusalem.