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카페 게시글
기타작물 스크랩 세계에서 가장 비싼 향신료 사프란--크로커스
이리호 추천 0 조회 56 17.03.30 07:39 댓글 4
게시글 본문내용

가장비싼 향신료 사프란

집에서 키우기 쉬워서 소개 합니다.

100포기면 가능할겁니다.

크로커스 수술인데 일반 크로커스는 아니고

일년에 두번 잎이 나오고 가을에 꽃이피는 크로커스.

!!!!!!!Planting: from June to mid-September!!!!!!!!


Even if saffron is an expensive spice known as red gold, growing it is however very simple and accessible to anyone. Its price depends on the intense labour needed to harvest it, not because it is difficult to grow.


Saffron can grow nearly anywhere in the world. The kind of soil is far more important than the climate of the region where on e wants to grow it.

Vegetation cycle

Planting: from June to mid-September


Flowering: throughout October month, from the year it is planted (for big corms)


Vegetative development in winter.


Leaves dry out in May.

Soil and location

Saffron corms like a well drained soil. Heavy clay soil must be avoided.

The ideal type of ground is a neutral clay-calcareous or silty soil (PH 6 to 8).

For small areas like a vegetable garden or simple borders, on e can easily improve the soil by adding sand, peat or compost.

The saffron bed must be in a sunny place, notably in autumn during the flowering stage.

Soil preparation

In order to prepare the ground, you can either turn the soil over or plough deeply (about 20 cm) and add some compost or manure. In the case of nitrogenous fertilizer, it is better to spread on the surface after planting.

Keep the ground weed free until planting (from June to September) and make loosen the soil before planting the corms.

Setting out the saffron bed

Saffron corms can either be planted directly into the ground (borders, gardens, fields etc…) or in pots or window boxes (inside or out).


Put the corms into the ground at a 10 to 15 cm depth leaving a 10 cm gap between them.

 Watering is not necessary. In case of severe drought in September, watering them on ce will usually be enough.


Corms multiply from on e year to the next, from on e corm on e can get 5 corms after 3 years.



Precautions against predators

Wood mice and voles are particularly fond of corms in winter as well as in summer. Destroying their tunnels regularly allows on e to limit their number.

Rabbits, which are particularly keen on leaves and flowers can on ly be stopped with a secure fence.

Avoiding diseases

Three fungal infections can harm saffron:

Rhizoctonia crocorum -  causes brown ulceration and damping-off.

Fusarium - attacks the corm and leaves an orange-coloured band on the limit of the healthy parts.

Violet root rot - produces a damp rot. It is highly contagious; illness also called "mort du safran" (saffron's death)

All these diseases resist most fungicides, however, they mainly appear from the third or fourth years. Consequently, on e should dig up corms and replant them in another field.

It is better not to use the same field again for 10 years.


Flowers generally appear in October (slightly later in the first year) and last for a month.


 Two methods of harvesting are possible.


If on e on ly has a small number of flowers, on e can leave the flower and just extract the 3 red filamentsfrom the pistil with some tweezers. This operation is called trimming


In the case of large quantities of flowers, on e should pick the flowers as soon as they have bloomed and then extract the red pistils comfortably sitting around a table.


To trim, on e can use on e's nails or small tools like scissors or tweezers. Trimming the flowers must be done soon after they are harvested to make the task easier.


The yellow stamens and purple petals have no use.


Filaments have to be dried out to be preserved for use.


Drying can be done by putting the pistils on a sieve in a well ventilated place between 40 to 60 degrees Celsius, for 15 minutes (well ventilated food dryer, in an oven with the door slightly open, under the sun outside).

When dried, filaments are very light and breakable.

Fresh saffron, even dried is tasteless. It is recommended that it is placed in an airtight tin away from the light for at least a month before consumption. Saffron keeps its taste for two years.  


About 150 flowers are needed to make on e gram of dried saffron.

The first year of plantation around 60% of corms will produce on e flower each.

The next two years, corms will give about 2 flowers each.  

  • 17.04.18 20:00

    첫댓글 백포기를 씨앗으로 심는건가요.?
    아님 모종으로 구해 심어야 되는건가요..?

  • 작성자 17.04.19 01:51

    구근으로 심는데 휴면기간이 여름이라 7월에서 9월에 심는데
    100개는 필요없고 20개면 일년 먹을겁니다.
    알아서 보내지요.

  • 17.04.19 20:22

    @이리호 예..감사합니다...조봉희

  • 17.04.20 19:32

    @이리호 그게 그러면 우리나라에서 한번 심어 놓으면...
    노지 월동도 가능한지요...
    찾아바도 잘 안나와요....
