사람이라는 주민들의 우려로 몬로비아 거리에 방치되어 있다.
에볼라 바이러스(Ebola Virus)는 필로바이러스과의 에볼라바이러스속 내에서 한 종에
속하는 바이러스의 총칭이다.
에볼라라고 불리는 경우에는 에볼라
바이러스를 지칭하는 것 외에도 이것이 일으키는 에볼라 출혈열 (Ebola
hemorrhagic fever; EHF)를 의미하기도 한다.
에볼라 바이러스의 형태학적,
임상적 특성은 같은 과의 마버그 바이러스와 거의 같으며, 바이러스의 첫 발견 이래 지금까지
공식화된 다수 유행기록이 있다. 2014년 현재 서아프리카 전역에 바이러스가 퍼지고 있으며
이에 관해 WHO(국제보건협회)가 비상상태 선언을 고려중이다.
유니세프 등 여러 기관이 치료를 위해 돕고 있지만 백신이 개발되지 않은
상태이며 의료진까지 사망에 이르는 심각한 상황이 선언되고 있다.
'에볼라'라는 이름은 처음 이 바이러스가 발견된 주변의 강 이름에서 유래한 것이다.
에볼라 바이러스
21일(현지시간) 시에라리온의 한 마을에서 에볼라에 감염된 주민이 바닥에 쓰러져 있다.
에볼라에 전 세계가 벌벌 떨고 있다
에볼라 출혈반 현상
치사율이 최대 90%인 에볼라는 환자와의 접촉 등을 통해 감염되지만, 치료약이나 예방 백신이 없다. 아프리카 일부 지역에서는 주민들이 박쥐를 일종의 별미로 요리해 먹고 있는데 에볼라를 옮기는 박쥐를 잡아먹지 말 것을 당부했다. 국제보건기구의 상당한 노력에도 아직 숙주는 발견되지 않았다.
지금까지 등장한 가설과 연구결과에 의하면 가장 유력한 숙주는 과일박쥐이다.
열, 구토, 설사, 근육통, 불쾌감과 내출혈이나 외출혈같은 다양한
증상을 가지고 있으며, 치사율은 바이러스의 아형에 따라 50% ~ 89%로 높다.
에볼라 전염방식은 감염체 접촉이다 쉽게말하자면 감염된 사람 즉 감염체 몸,체액[피,침,토]을
직접 만지지만 않으면 걸릴일 없다
그래도 접촉만 안하면 된다고
감염체랑 가까이 가는건 절대 좋은 생각이아니다 [100%는 아니지만 공기로도 감염된다는
연구 보고가 있기는 하다]
중간 감염경로로는 정확하게 밝혀지지 않지만 모기나, 박쥐등이 감염시킨다고도 한다 우리나라에 에볼라 바이러스 상륙시 대처법 감염체와 절대 절대 접촉하지 말고 피,침,땀,토 등 감염체 타액과 절대 접촉하지 말아야하고 같이 옷을 나눠 입는것도 위험하다 여름이니 중간 감염경로로 추정되는 모기도 조심해야한다
몸과 몸이 접촉하는 모든 행위를 금지해야한다 무슨 솔로가 커플 꼴보기 싫어서 이런말 하는게 아니라 자그만한 가능성도 배제해야한다 쉽게 말하면 감염된 사람 몸에서 나오는 모든것과 감염체랑 접촉하지 말아야한다
보통 감염되면 1~2일 내로 죽어서 숙주가
바이러스를 퍼뜨리기도하니 죽어서도 문제이기는 하다.
에볼라 바이러스는 잠복기가 생각보다 짧다
[잠복기란 병이 걸린 상태에서 질병증상이 나타나는 시간을 말함] 잠복기가 길면 길수록 자신이
병 걸린것을 예상하지 못하고 돌아다니다 병을 점점 많이 퍼뜨릴수 있는데 에볼라 바이러스는
보통 1~2일, 길게는 일주일 내라서 감염 보균자로 예상되는 사람을 1주일만 격리시키면 알아서 병증세가 누구나 알수있게 나타 나므로 대처가 가능하다
잠복기가 짧고 감염후 빨리 죽어서 에볼라 바이러스가 그렇게 위협적인 병은 아니다 초기 대응만 잘한다는 조건에서만 보통 모든질병은 초기 대응만 하면 문제없지만ㅡ
에볼라 감염시 나타나는
증세 증세로는 토혈[토와 피를 같이토함], 출혈, 혈변[피똥],
설사 등을 일으키며, 출혈반 등도 피부에 나타난다.
초기 증상은
말라리아와 비슷하니 유의 하시길 바란다. 감염된후 고통은 가히 끔직하다고 합니다 에볼라 출혈반 증상 잠복기가 끝나고 증세가 나타난지 8~18일 정도가 지나면 온몸에서 피가 나와서 결국 죽는다고 한다 물론 이 피랑 접촉하면 감염될 수 있으니 주의 할
일이다. 에볼라 치료방법 불행히 아직까지는 치료제가 없다. 변종도 많고 일단 치료하기도 전에 감염자가 픽픽 죽어나가서 치료하기도 힘들고 일단 감염되면 초면역혈청같은 혈청을 주입해서 면역체계를 강화 시키는게 유일한 답이라고 한다.
혈청은 보통 면역력만 올려주지 병을 치료하는게 아니라는걸 명심해야한다.
확실하고 분명한 메시지를 전달해 드리고 싶으나 워낙 밝혀진게 없고, 이 이상 자료도 찾을 수 없어 이 정도로 그치려니 아쉬움이 많이 남는다. 양해 있으시길 바란다. -작성자-
Wrapped in Plastic: Preparing for Ebola
As several African nations struggle to
contain outbreaks of the deadly Ebola virus, and other countries ready
themselves for any possible spread, images of healthcare workers wrapped in
colorful personal protective equipment have become symbolic of the fight against
the disease. In Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea, local health providers and
international volunteers protect themselves as best as they can, while caring
for the sick and dying and disposing of infected belongings. In other countries,
health professionals are making plans, preparing to handle any possible Ebola
cases, and demonstrating their methods and protective gear for the press and
government officials. [32
A health care worker of the John
Fitzgerald Kennedy hospital of Monrovia wearing a protective suit enters the
high-risk area of the hospital, the surgical section where Ebola patients are
being treated, on September 3, 2014. (Dominique Faget/AFP/Getty
Nowa Paye, 9, is taken to an
ambulance after showing signs of the Ebola infection in the village of Freeman
Reserve, about 30 miles north of Monrovia, Liberia, on September 30, 2014. Three
members of District 13 ambulance service traveled to the village to pickup six
suspected Ebola sufferers that had been quarantined by villagers.
(AP Photo/Jerome Delay) #
Ward physician Thomas Klotzkowski and
doctor for tropical medicine Florian Steiner (left) wear protective suits as
they walk in the quarantine station for patients with infectious diseases at the
Charite hospital in Berlin on August 11, 2014. (Reuters/Thomas Peter) #
Ward physician Thomas Klotzkowski
cleans Doctor Florian Steiner in a disinfection chamber at the quarantine
station for patients with infectious diseases at the Charite hospital in Berlin
on August 11, 2014. The isolation ward is one of several centers in Germany
equipped to treat patients suffering from Ebola and other highly infectious
diseases. (Reuters/Thomas Peter)
A burial team wearing protective
clothes prepare an Ebola virus victim for interment, in Port Loko, Sierra Leone,
on September 27, 2014. (Reuters/Christopher Black/WHO) #
Sanitized gloves and boots hang to
dry as a burial team collects Ebola victims from a Ministry of Health treatment
center for cremation on October 2, 2014 in Monrovia, Liberia. (John Moore/Getty Images) #
A Spanish nurse infected with Ebola
is moved to Carlos III Hospital from Alcorcon Hospital on October 7, 2014 in
Alcorcon, Spain. Spanish Health Minister Ana Mato confirmed the nurse had tested
positive after treating two Ebola patients that had been brought back to the
country from Africa. (Gonzalo Arroyo
Moreno/Getty Images) #
An ambulance carrying a Spanish nurse
who believed to have contracted the Ebola virus from a 69-year-old Spanish
priest, leaves Alcorcon Hospital in Madrid, Spain, on October 7, 2014.
(AP Photo/Andres Kudacki) #
Red Cross workers carry away the body
of a person suspected of dying from the Ebola virus, in the Liberian capital
Monrovia, on October 4, 2014. (Pascal
Guyot/AFP/Getty Images) #
A health worker interviews a sick man
after he arrived at a Ministry of Health treatment center for Ebola patients on
October 2, 2014 in Monrovia, Liberia. (John Moore/Getty Images) #
Italian Air Force soldiers attend a
military exercise preparing to help people infected with the Ebola virus, at the
Pratica di Mare Air Base, near Rome, on September 24, 2014. (Reuters/Tony Gentile) #
Czech military personnel wearing
protective gear take part in a drill with a dummy in the Biological Defence
Centre, a specialized medical institution ensuring complete biological defense,
in the village of Techonin, on August 11, 2014. The Biological Defence
Department is involved in the NATO biological defense system and is equipped for
treatment of possible Ebola virus patients. (Reuters/David W Cerny) #
Chinese quarantine officers board the
Alpha Friendship, a bulk carrier carrying ore from Sierra Leone, for an
inspection on August 19, 2014, as the ship berths in the quarantine anchorage
waiting for its entry in the port at Qingdao. (STR/AFP/Getty Images) #
Health workers in protective suits
greet a woman who has come to deliver food to relatives at Island Hospital where
people suffering from the Ebola virus are being treated in Monrovia, Liberia, on
September 30, 2014. (Pascal
Guyot/AFP/Getty Images) #
A visitor is decontaminated by a
health worker at Island Hospital as he arrives to deliver food to relatives
suffering from the Ebola virus in Monrovia on September 26, 2014.
(Pascal Guyot/AFP/Getty Images)
A man pushes a wheelbarrow containing
a woman thought to be a victim of the Ebola virus at the Ebola treatment center
at Island hospital in Monrovia on October 2, 2014. (Pascal Guyot/AFP/Getty Images) #
Health inspection officers help a
mock patient get into a negative-pressure isolation stretcher, during a drill to
demonstrate the procedures of transporting an Ebola victim, at Shenzhen
Entry-exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, in Shenzhen, Guangdong province,
China, on August 14, 2014. (Reuters/Stringer) #
Medical staff wearing sealed
protective suits work during the arrival of an Ebola patient at the University
Hospital Frankfurt in Germany on October 3, 2014. (Reuters/Ralph Orlowski) #
Aid workers and doctors transfer
Miguel Pajares, a Spanish priest who was infected with the Ebola virus while
working in Liberia, from a plane to an ambulance as he leaves the Torrejon de
Ardoz military airbase, near Madrid, Spain, on August 7, 2014.
(AP Photo/Spanish Defense Ministry)
A nurse wears protective clothing as
he demonstrates the facilities in place at the Royal Free Hospital in north
London on August 6, 2014, in preparation for a patient testing positive for the
Ebola virus. Despite high mortality levels, Consultant Stephen Mepham advised
against panic, stating that the chances of meeting an undiagnosed patient are
virtually impossible with next to no chance of catching the virus without
exposure to the sufferer's bodily fluids. (Leon Neal/AFP/Getty Images) #
Medical staff members burn clothes
belonging to patients suffering from Ebola, at the international medical NGO
Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) in Monrovia, on September 27, 2014.
(Pascal Guyot/AFP/Getty Images)
A medical staff member of the Croix
Rouge NGO disinfects his badge after collecting the corpse of a victim of Ebola
in Monrovia on September 29, 2014. (Pascal Guyot/AFP/Getty Images) #
A hazardous material cleaner removes
a wrapped item from the apartment where Thomas Eric Duncan, the Ebola patient
who traveled from Liberia to Dallas, stayed last week, in Dallas, on October 6,
2014. Duncan has been hospitalized at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital since
September 28. (AP Photo/LM Otero)
Volunteers train at a Doctors Without
Borders (MSF) replica of Ebola treatment centers, prior to be sent to help fight
the spread of the deadly virus in Africa, in Brussels, on October 1, 2014.
(Emmanuel Dunand/AFP/Getty Images)
Medical staff working with Medecins
sans Frontieres (MSF) prepare to bring food to patients kept in an isolation
area at the MSF Ebola treatment center in Kailahun, Sierra Leone, on July 20,
2014. (Reuters/Tommy Trenchard)
Gloves and rubber boots forming part
of the Ebola prevention gear for health workers are set outside for the sun to
dry them after being washed in Monrovia on September 8, 2014. (AP Photo/Abbas Dulleh) #
A health worker sprays a man with
disinfectant chemicals as he is suspected of dying due to the Ebola virus while
people look on in Monrovia on September 4, 2014. (AP Photo/Abbas Dulleh) #
A doctor for tropical medicine
wearing an isolation suit speaks to journalists during a demonstration for the
media of Ebola treatment capabilities at Station 59 at Charite hospital on
August 11, 2014 in Berlin, Germany. (Sean Gallup/Getty Images) #
A paramedic from the fire department
stands after showing the media how to put on a protective suit, during a
demonstration in Panama City, Panama, on October 2, 2014. The Ministry of Health
in Panama is providing more protective suits for hospitals and airports, as
measures against a possible Ebola outbreak, local media said. (Reuters/Carlos Jasso) #
A burial team from the Liberian
Ministry of Health unloads bodies of Ebola victims onto a funeral pyre at a
crematorium on August 22, 2014 in Marshall, Liberia. (John Moore/Getty Images) #
A Doctors Without Borders (MSF),
health worker in protective clothing holds a child suspected of having Ebola in
the MSF treatment center on October 5, 2014 in Paynesville, Liberia. The girl
and her mother, showing symptoms of the deadly disease, were awaiting test
results for the virus. The Ebola epidemic has killed more than 3,400 people in
West Africa, according to the World Health Organization. (John Moore/Getty Images) #