Bible Matrix ⑦_259_REV 4 – Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool
Bible Matrix ⑦: Historical & Scientific Views on Daniel and Revelation
Part 2. Revelation
Revelation 4 - Throne in Heaven and Worship in Heaven(c.AD 8,580~)
3. Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool
○ But, why would ‘the Asteroid Belt’ or ‘the sky’ or ‘the heaven’ between Mars and Jupiter be the place where the throne of God the Father and Jesus settle? Why they shall enter this place to set up and open the throne?
○ According to lines 8 to 11 of Clay tablets 5 of ‘Epic of Creation’, Marduk (or Nibiru) set its own orbit and opened its own way to come and go. And Marduk strongly bolted inner and outer planets of the Asteroid Belt. In addition, Marduk set the orbit of the zenith (or the Asteroid Belt) in the center so that Marduk would always cross it when Marduk enters the solar system and comes close to the Earth. In other words, the sky as the Asteroid Belt was fixed at the perigee of Marduk.
○ This is a very important event. The perigee orbit of Marduk (Nibiru) is not designed to penetrate the Earth, but rather to cross the ‘sky’ or the ‘Asteroid Belt’. In other words, the Asteroid Belt is designated as a station for Marduk (Nibiru) to stay here, namely, to open his throne. This is the place where God the Father and Jesus will come with numerous Gods and angels at the end of the world, as predicted by so many prophets. And the record prophesied is the chapter 4 of Revelation.
○ Isaiah 40:22 says, “He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers.” After breaking the lower part of Tiamat into pieces and creating the sky, or the expanse, like the canopy, the Lord as Marduk set and opened and sat on his throne in the sky or the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter, beyond the circle of the earth, and he looked at the inhabitants of the earth, and its people were like as small as grasshoppers or ants.
☞ Isaiah 40:22 - He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in (NIV)
○ Isaiah 66:1 and Acts 7:49 say, “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool”. The reason the Lord as Marduk created the heaven is to establish the throne as the place for the Lord to rest when he comes. This means that after the planet Marduk reaches the perigee, he sets the throne in the sky (or the Asteroid Belt), and he sits on the throne.
☞ Isaiah 66:1 - This is what the LORD says: Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will build for me? Where will my resting place be? (NIV/KJV/Good News/NLT).
○ ‘The four living creatures and the Throne of the LORD‘ appeared in Ezekiel 1:1~27. As for where the throne of the LORD appeared, it appeared in the sky, or the firmament, or the heaven or the Asteroid Belt. A giant aircraft carrier spaceship or mother ship entered the sky and set its throne. And the four living creatures refer to the Gods riding on the four Cherubim (Ezekiel 10) which are space robots or spaceships with four engines as four wings. It is expressed as 4 spaceships + 4 Gods = 4 living creatures. That's why these living creatures talk or speak.
☞ The summary of Ezekiel 1:1~27: Ezekiel, who was captured in Babylon, at the Kebar river in Babylon, on BC July 31, 593, saw visions of God and recorded that (1) the scene where the four Gods, riding on four spaceships as Cherubim, separating from the mother ship in the sky, come down to this earth and communicate with LORD God on the mother ship, and (2) the scene that the four cherubim moved fast in unison, at the same speed and direction, in a consistent manner, according to the spirit, namely, in today's technology, the scientific and artificial intelligence automation program.
○ Jesus also says in Matthew 5:34 and 23:22, “Heaven is the throne of God”.
☞ What is a footstool? – It represents the authority of God the Father, but in the Book of Revelation, the term of ‘trample’ (Revelation 11:2, 14:20) or ‘foot on’ (Revelation 10:2) or ‘treads’ (Revelation 19:15) appear, and it means ‘to trample down and defeat the enemy.’ This meaning is the same as the ‘footstool’ in Luke 20:43 and Acts 2:35, which quotes Psalm 110:1, meaning to destroy and subdue the enemy (Bible Matrix ⑦_135/433).