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Jordan and wife attempting a reconciliation
AP Sports Writer
February 4, 2002
CHICAGO (AP) -- Michael and Juanita Jordan are giving their
marriage another try.
The Jordans, who announced last month they were divorcing after
12 years of marriage, said Monday they are attempting a
reconciliation. Juanita Jordan also withdrew the divorce petition
she filed Jan. 4 in Lake County Circuit Court.
``We have decided to attempt a reconciliation and our efforts to do
so will be greatly enhanced if the privacy of our personal lives is
respected,'' the couple said in a statement issued by Juanita
Jordan's attorneys.
Attorneys for both sides confirmed the statement, and said there
will be no further comment.
``Juanita's and Michael's joint statement says everything they have
to say,'' said Frederick Sperling, an attorney for Michael Jordan.
In her original divorce petition, Juanita Jordan said past attempts
at reconciliation had failed and future ones ``would be impractical
and not in the best interests of the family.''
But when he was asked about the pending divorce last month,
Michael Jordan expressed some hope of a reconciliation.

``That's something probably we'll work on,'' he said then. ``I don't
think I want to sit here and go through that. We have kids,
obviously, and we want to make sure that's the focus. Outside of
that, when the time comes, you guys will hear about it.
-----------------이하 이혼 발표이야기....-----------------
When Juanita Jordan filed for divorce, her petition sought custody
of their three children; possession of their ``marital residence,'' a
25,000-square-foot gated house in suburban Highland Park; an
``equitable'' share of their marital property; and a ``fair and
reasonable sum'' for temporary and permanent maintenance.
Under her petition, Michael Jordan would have been granted
visitation rights with his children.
Last September, Fortune Magazine estimated Jordan's wealth at
$398 million. In his final two seasons with the Chicago Bulls in
1997 and 1998, his salary topped $60 million.
When Jordan retired for the second time, he cited a desire to
spend more time with his family, even joking that he would help
with car pools. He maintained his home in the Chicago area even
when he returned to basketball as a front-office executive with the
Wizards last season.
But his decision to make another comeback as a player at age 38
has kept him in Washington most of the time and on the road,
away from Chicago.
Michael and Juanita Jordan met at a Chicago restaurant during his
second season with the Bulls and were married Sept. 2, 1989, in
Las Vegas. Their children are Jeffrey, 13, Marcus, 11, and
Jasmine, 9.

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