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카페 게시글
.........Topic&Attendance 6/21 Topic [1]
손윤경 추천 0 조회 130 09.06.15 20:27 댓글 7
게시글 본문내용
  • 09.06.16 12:42

    첫댓글 Thank u for uploading this topic for 일영모 ...actually~ Transformer is one of the best movies I've ever seen~

  • 09.06.16 12:53

    I also like Trasnformer. It is coming soon~ kk

  • 작성자 09.06.16 18:24

    I'm happy because you're interested in this topic. Thank you~

  • 09.06.18 00:23

    I love this topic. damn~

  • 09.06.18 23:50

    Wow...~!!! I love robot!!!! Let's go to see a movie Transformer II

  • 작성자 09.06.20 22:07

    Hm, I have a bad news...I proposed this topic, but I can't attend our meeting. My company is preparing the presentation to win a contract for developing new car. so I will very busy until Thursday. I hope I could see you next meeting.

  • 09.06.21 11:53

    good luck for your work~~!!
