다니엘서 9장 27절은 이스라엘 국가와 관련이 있는 예언입니다. 실제로 이스라엘은 UN SDGs 2030 어젠다 7년 계약을 차근차근 준비하고 있습니다.
⬇️ Quote from Israel regarding the Political Declaration of the SDG Summit (March 16, 2023): "We Join others in reiterating the urgency and need for the SDG Summit to be a transformative moment, reaffirming our commitment to the 2030 Agenda and reinvigorating our efforts to achieve the SDGs.
⬇️ Quote from Israel's governmental officials: "The SDGs give voice to the mutuality and inter-dependence of development. They highlight the need for concerted action on all three pillars - social, economic and environmental- by all countries at all stages of development and growth. Israel is proud to be an active player and contributor of this global undertaking." - MK Israel Kats, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Minister of Intelligence - MK Zeev Elkin Minister of Environmental Protection and Minister of Affairs of Jerusalem Affairs and Heritage
유엔의 새 지속가능한 개발
2030 의제에 적극적이란 사실이
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