caricature A portrait or description that is purposely distorted or exaggerated, often to prove some point about its subject 만화, 풍자만화, 풍자한 글 castigate To criticize severely; to chastise 가책하다, 혹평하다; 징계하다; 고치다, 첨삭하다 catalyst In chemistry,~; anyone or anything that makes something happen without being directly involved in it 촉매, 촉진제
#19 categorical Unconditional; absolute 절대적인, 무조건의 단언적인; 범주에 속하는, 분류의 catharsis Purification that brings emotional relief or renewal 정화, 카타르시스 catholic Universal; embracing everything [관심, 흥미, 취미가] 광범위한, 보편적인; 관대한, 마음이 넓은 caustic Like acid; corrosive 부식성의, 신랄한, 통렬한 celibacy Abstinence from sex 독신, 독신생활, 금욕 censure To condemn severely for doing something bad 비난하다, 나무라다, 혹평하다, 견책하다 cerebral Brainy; intellectually refined 대뇌의, 뇌리; 지적인, 지성에 호소하는 chagrin Humiliation; embarrassed disappointment 유감, 원통함, 부함 charisma A magical-seeming ability to attract followers or inspire loyalty 재능, 권능; 권위, 비상한 매력
#20 charlatan Fraud; quack; con man 지독한 허풍선이, 엉터리의; 돌팔이 의사 chasm A deep, gaping hole; a gorge 깊게 갈라진 틈, 금, 균열; 단절, 결합; 차이, 불화 chastise To inflict punishment on; to discipline 응징하다, 징벌하다; 몹시 비난하다 chicanery Trickery; deceitfulness; artifice; especially legal or political 꾸며댐, 발뺌, 속임수 chimera An illusion; a foolish fancy 망상, 괴물 choleric Hot-tempered; quick to anger 성마른, 화 잘 내는 chronic Constant; lasting a long time; inveterate 만성의 고질적인, 오래 끄는 chronicle A record of events in order of time; a history 연대, 편년사, 기록
#21 circuitous Roundabout; not following a direct path 우회의, 에두르는, 완곡한 circumlocution An indirect expression; use of wordy or evasive language 완곡한 표현, 넌지시 하는 말, 핑계 circumscribe To draw a line around; to set the limits; to define; to restrict. ..의 둘레에 선을 긋다, 경계선을 긋다; 제한하다, 한계를 정하다; 외접하다 circumspect Cautious 신중한, 용의주도한, 주의 깊은 circumvent To frustrate as though by surrounding 우회하다, 교묘하게 회피하다; 앞지르다, 선수치다; 포위하다 civil Polite; civilized; courteous 시민의, 민간의 clemency Mercy; forgiveness; mildness(기후의) 온화; 관대, 인정많은 clich An overused saying or idea 진부한 표현, 상투적인 문구 clique An exclusive group bound together by some shared quality or interest 도당, 파벌
#22 coalesce To come together as one; to fuse; to unite 연합하다, 유착하다; 연합시키다 coerce To force someone to do or not to do something 지배하다, 강제하다, 강요하다 cogent Powerfully convincing 유력한, 사람을 수긍시키는 cognitive Dealing with how we know the world around us through our senses; mental 인식의, 인식력이 있는 cognizant Aware; conscious 인식하고 있는, 알고 있는 coherent Holding together; making sense 일관된, 조리가 서는; 응집성의, 밀착한 colloquial Conversational; informal in language 구어체 collusion Conspiracy; secret cooperation 공모, 결탁 commensurate Equal; proportionate 같은 양의, 같은 시간의; 균형 잡힌 compelling Forceful; causing to yield...하지 않을 수 없는, 강제적인 compendium A summary; an abridgment 개략, 요약, 일람표
#23 complacent Self-satisfied; overly pleased with oneself; contented to a fault 자기 만족의, 은근한, 마음에 흡족한 complement To complete or fill up; to be the perfect counterpart 보충하여 완전케하다, 보완하다, 보충하다 complicity Participation in wrongdoing; the act of being an accomplice 공모, 연루, 공범 comprehensive Covering or including everything 포괄적인, 넓은; 이해력이 있는, 이해가 빠른 comprise To consist of; to be composed of cf) constitute, compose 포함하다, 품다, 의미하다; 구성되다, 성립되다 conciliatory Making peace; attempting to resolve a dispute through goodwill 타협적인, 융화적인, 회유적인 concise Brief and to the point; succinct 간결한, 간명한
#24 concord Harmony; agreement 의견의 일치, 화합, 협조; 협정 concurrent Happening at the same time; parallel 동시에 일어나는, 협동의 condescend To stoop to someone elses level, usually in an offensive way; to patronize 겸손하게 굴다, 자신을 낮추다 condone To overlook; to permit to happen 용서하다, 묵과하다 |
첫댓글 댓글이 이제 써지네요!
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