다 자란 마늘은 쪽으로 나누어지고 껍질은 종이같이 얇은데 요리를 하는데쓰이거나 종자로 쓰입니다.그리고 마늘에 붙은 새끼마늘은 그냥 버리기도 하는데 심으면 첫해에는 꽃이 안피고 한개의 큰 마늘이 나옵니다. 이 마늘은 2년째는 여러쪽으로 나누어 집니다.코끼리마늘은 (씨로 심기도하지마는)씨로 심지는 안 합니다. 코끼리 마늘을 안케고 그냥 두면 포기가벌어서 많은 꽃송이가 무리를 이루는데 그래서 관상용으로 화단에 심지요. The mature bulb is broken up into cloves which are quite large and with papery skins and these are used for both culinary purposes and propagation. There are also much smaller cloves with a hard shell that occur on the outside of the bulb. These are often ignored, but if they are planted, they will the first year produce a non-flowering plant which has a solid bulb, essentially a single large clove. In their second year, this single clove will break up into many separate cloves. Elephant garlic is not generally propagated by seeds. The plant, if left alone, will spread into a clump with many flowering heads. These are often left in flower gardens as an ornamental and to discourage pests. 코끼리 마늘은 평균 열쪽이고 400그람을 쉽게 넘기는데 마늘같이생긴 양파종류로 순한마늘 맛으로는 아주 좋고 까기쉽고 저장이 쉽읍니다. The largest "garlic" you can get! Elephant garlic looks like garlic and tastes like a mild hardneck type, but it is actually a type of leek. Large, 1 1/2" cloves have great taste, mild garlic-like flavor; bulbs can easily weigh a pound or more! Very easy peeling and keeps very well. Each bulb averages 10 cloves. 오직 10센티 정도되는 통마늘 한개를심어 봤읍니다'보통 반원형의두쪽마늘도 있는데3쪽에서 네쪽이고 남쪽으로가면 보통 작은대신쪽수가 많아집니다. 저의코끼리마늘꽃은 둥글고 끝이뾰쪽한데 씨를 받아볼려고 하는데 아직입니다. Minimum I've grown is one, a single undivided round which may be up to 4" across. Usually it's 3 or 4 but often only 2 half-rounds. In the South, smaller but more numerous cloves are the norm. Yes, mine are similar but a little more of a ball rather than pointed. I've often looked for seeds since some gardeners supposedly have had viable seeds. To date, still looking for the first one 저의 코끼리마늘은 작황이 안좋아 봄에뽑아내고 남은거는씨를 받아 잘 자라는 종자를 찾고싶은데 아직 씨를 못 받았네요. I told my elephant garlic first thing in the spring that if it didn't do well this year that it would be eliminated from my garden. [My current variety typically yields less than what went into the ground.] It flowered great during the summer, so I left it in the ground hoping to collect seeds so I could find a more suitable variety. Alas, I didn't find any viable seeds. 코끼리마늘을 처음에는 여러종류 심었는데 지금은 다 섞였버렸고 여기하나는 끝이뾰쪽한 새끼마늘이 붙은거는 마늘을 켈때 뽑아내면 새끼는 떨어져서 다시나서 20년동안 그렇게 했는데 이게 코끼리 마늘인데 사실은 양파지요. here is one of my garlics (bought as separate types but totally mixed now) that has little sharp-edged bulblets alongside, or sometimes just under the outer skin, of the bulb. If I pull this garlic up, the bulblets get left in the ground. I haven't replanted in some areas for 20 years, and get garlic every year. If I dig them carefully, I can detach the bulblets and plant them somewhere new. I think these might be elephant garlic, which I believe is actually a leek. 당신말대로 코끼리 마늘은 당연히 양파종류입니다.원래 코끼리마늘이라고 이름이붙은거는 마늘중에 새끼마늘이 생기는 종자가 있는데 그것이 마늘같이 생긴양파도 새끼마늘이 생겨 같이 섞여서 이름이 같이 코끼리마늘이된겁니다.제가 두종류를 다 가지고있는데 농부들이 혼동하지요.코끼리마늘은 제가 볼때는 잡초입니다.새끼마늘이 떨어져서 뽑아도 해마다 올라옵니다. You are correct in that elephant garlic is a leek and has no bearing on this topic. The worse thing that ever happened to Los Mols Wild Leek was when it was given a garlic name. Babington leek also produces such corms but also bulbils. Because the two resemble each other in many ways, gardeners often have the one while thinking that they have the other. I have both and consider elephant garlic to be a weed for me. Not all corms sprout the following year and may remain dormant for several years. Just when I think that they are cleared out of one bed, they show up again. "Babington leek,"가 코끼리마늘과 같은데 순하고 번식력이 대단합니다.쫑은 거의 마늘과같고꽃도 셀러드에 이용합니다.씨로 번식하는데 쪽으로 갈라지는데는 굵은 통마늘에서 3-4년 걸리나 봅니다.저의집 밭에는 코끼리마늘이 있는데 아무리뽑아도 계속나서 자랍니다 Me, sitting here with my "Babington leek," I'm wondering if this is an INFERIOR kind of "garlic?" It is definitely acclimated to where we live, grows from bulbils grown from the flower, and reproduces effortlessly. Those are the Plusses, but the Minuses are, seems like, they take about 3 or 4 years before their bulbs are divided into big cloves like elephant garlic. And the garlic flavor of the bulbs is very mild. I did discover that the little purple flower-ets are delicious and taste like garlic, so they would be practically a gourmet addition to salads with flowers, though! And the scapes are extremely garlicy! To many, elephant garlic is a weed. That's about what its status is with me. I have not deliberately planted it in close to 10 years and it's almost impossible to get rid of. I have had areas where I have done everything but sift the soil and still have volunteers. To make it worse, not all corms will grow the first year and they somehow show up where no elephant garlic was grown the year before. We used to grow it by having it as the last row at the edge of a field. The corms still managed to be spread around by plowing and disking and so on. Nixed that 5 or 6 years ago. Today I was pulling volunteer dill from one bed at home and a 1" garlic round also came up with a clump. It was elephant garlic and even at that size had several corms just under the skin. I'm trying to fight it back to one small raised bed where there is not a chance of it spreading. So far, it's a losing effort. 그래도 사람들이 엄청나게 굵은 마늘을 좋아해서 농부들은 많이 심기도 하는데 저도 심어서 팔겁니다. But they make a great market garlic to those who come to a farmers market wanting huge garlic, I have a raised bed for garlics so i may turn it over to elephants to sell. 올해 처음심은 코끼리마늘을 새끼마늘 6개하고 마늘하나 나눔했읍니다.보기좋게굵은 마늘을 다른사람이 키우는 모습을 보고싶기도 해서요 I am giving away a 1/2 dozen Elephant Garlic Corms plus one. I would love to see others grow these unique "leeks" which roast up beautifully. This is my first year growing this variety. I dug an early Elephant Garlic and left the rest in. This lovely sized Garlic gave me 7 corms. I am happy to gift them to someone else to start off their Elephant Garlic bed. YES YOU CAN GROW THESE IN POTS! 코끼리마늘은 봄에 심어도 땅이 좋으면 충분히 수확이 가능합니다. I planted Cloves and in less than a season, I have a great sized Elephant Garlic. When you plant these Corms in good soil (key is soil and drainage) with decent weather conditions....you will get harvest size Elephant Garlic in as soon as 2 growing seasons! 슈퍼 코끼리마늘을 동생이 심은 사진인데 제꺼는 없고 제코끼리마늘 수확한거는 남편이 요리하고요,동생이심은거는1키로나 나갑니다. These are pics from a site that had royalty free, I don't have pics of mine yet, the others I left in the ground and hubby cooked the one I dug~! My sister gets over 2 lb Elephant garlic from this variety, it is a giant variety! |
첫댓글 올 해 수확해 보면 정답이 나오겠지요.
공조님,껍질얇은 새끼마늘 챙겨 보시기 바랍니다.
한국에서도 말이 많은 마늘이라 결과가 궁금해 집니다.
종자 사신분들은 있는데 수확한 사진과 결과가 없어서요
다른 종자라고 생각하고 너 댓 곳에서 사다 심었으니 여름에 보고 괜찬은 것이 나오면 보내지요.
생각지도 못한 선물이네요.
밭에 있는 코끼리 마늘은 눈이 쌓여 관찰이 불가능 합니다만
좋은 자료 잘 보았습니다.