디자인어학과 Department of Design Language
컴퓨터학과 Department of Computer
간호학과 Department of Nursing
법학과 Department of Law
경영학과 Department of Business Administration
경제학과 Department of Economics
관광경영학과 Department of Tourism management
한국어문화학과 Department of Korean Language and Culture
한국어교육학과 Department of Korean Language Education
사회복지학과 Department of Social Welfare
가정, 심리학과 Department of Home Economics and Psychology
영어학과 Department of English
대학원// 석사 11개 과정
경영학 Business Administration
외국언어학/영어/ Foreign Language Linguistics-English
외국언어학/한국어/ Foreign Language Linguistics-Korean
교육학/한국어/ Educational Studies
법 학 Law
가정학 Family Studies
간호학 Nursing
소프트웨어 공학 Software Engineering
임 학 Horticulture and Flower Culture
한국학 Korean Studies
사회복지 Social Work
축산학 Zoology
박사 2개 과정
경영학 Business Administration
언어학 Language Linguistics
- 외국언어학/영어/ Foreign Language Linguistics-English
- 외국언어학/한국어/ Foreign Language Linguistics-Korean