Security is paramount. Our guards are physically on duty 24/7, and CCTV cameras monitor all activities within the school compound at all times. If you have questions or comments regarding issues of safety, security and the health of the school environment, please contact the Administration Manager or Principal.
경비는 무엇보다 중요하다. 경비원이 24시간 지키며 모든 곳에 CCTV가 설치되어 있다. 안전과 경비, 보건에 대해 궁금한 것이 있다면 입학담당자나 교장선생님께 직접 연락하길 바란다.
Absolutely no unauthorised personnel will be granted access under any circumstances, and all visitors entering the grounds must produce their identification and get a Visitors’ Pass from the Guard Office. We remind parents that the security procedures exist at the school for the safety of all. Security Guards are unable to exercise flexibility and any failure to adhere to the procedures could result in a parent being refused access to the school premises. Please do not blame the security guards when they enforce the rules.
학교에 들어오려는 사람들은 모두 교문의 경비소에서 방문증을 받아 소지해야 한다. 안전을 위한 조치이니 부모님들은 따라주시기 바란다. 신분 확인이 안되어 불편을 겪는 경우가 있더라도 경비원들을 탓하지 않기를 바란다..이것은 규칙이다.
View/Download Fire Drill Policy (Updated 23/2/15)
View/Download Lockdown Procedure (Updated 23/2/15)
Nexus One Card is a multiple application identification card for the learners, staff and parents. It will monitor access to and from the school site with E-Attendance and E-Wallet. E-Wallet will carry monetary value to be used in the school shop and cafeteria. The one card system will also be used for printing, photocopying and in the library.
넥서스 원 카드는 학생, 스태프, 부모들을 위한 카드이다. 모든 카드는 모니터 되고 있다. 스쿨 숍, 카페테리아, 프린팅, 포토카피, 도서관 등에서도 사용된다.
A) All parents and designated drivers/domestic helpers are required to carry their ID card to school, and show this ID to the school security at the school entrance.
학부모와 운전자들, 도움을 주는 이들은 반드시 그들의 ID 카드를 가져야 학교에 출입할 수 있다.
B) Parents who forget to bring their ID card must register at the security gate and present a suitable alternative ID, which contains a photo (for example, a driver’ s license). 만약 학부모가 ID 카드를 잊고 왔다면 사진이 있는 운전면허증을 경비에 제시해야 한다.
C) Drivers/domestic helpers who regularly accompany learners to and from school must be registered with the school and be issued with an ID card. Unregistered drivers/domestic helpers will not be permitted to enter the school grounds.
운전기사나 도우미들은 반드시 학교에 등록을 해야하고 미 등록자들은 출입이 불가하다.
D) Bodyguards are not permitted in the school buildings without explicit permission from the relevant Head of School.
보디가드도 교장의 허가 없이는 학교 건물안에 들어올 수 없다.
E) Application for, and collection of new ID tags is made through the school receptionist. Please email for enquiries or more information.
F) Online credit top up can be done by clicking this link
All drivers seeking vehicle access to the school grounds must display a current vehicle pass on the front of a motorbike or on the right side of the car’s windscreen. Failure to display said pass may result in security checks and cause delay and inconvenience to others.
모든 운전자들이 자동차 패스를 부착하여야 들어올 수 있다.
Car park stickers are available from Student Services during school hours. Only two stickers are free per family.
주차 스티커든 한 가정에 2개씩 무료로 Student Services로 부터 발급 받을 수 있다.
Older learners who have explicit permission from the School to drive must obtain their stickers from the Senior Leadership Office.
To encourage independence in our learners, helpers/drivers are requested not to wait on the school premises during school hours unless they are asked by the class teacher to participate in that day’s activities.
The school has Group Personal Accident coverage for all students and staff, as well as Public Liability, Fire, Consequential Loss and Burglary coverage for the school. The school also obtains insurance coverage for all school trips involving students.
모든 학생과 스태프를 위해 책임보험, 화재보험, 손해보험에 가입해 있다.
From time to time photographs or video clips of our learners may be published to our website or used in publications such as the schools section in The Expat magazine or The Star newspaper’s education section. If you would not like your child’s image to be used please inform the school management before the start of term.
모든 학생들은 임의대로 사진 촬영되어 웹사이트나 그외 다른 매체에 실릴 수 있다. 만약 원치않는 다면 텀 시작하기 전에 알려주기 바란다.
Learners are permitted to bring such items to school and to use them at break times in approved areas. Learners must wear appropriate safety equipment and behave in a safety conscious manner. These items should be stored safely when not in use. The school takes no responsibility for the maintenance or security of these items.
위의 것들은 학교에 가지고 올 수 있으나 인정된 곳에서만 사용할 수 있다. 안전하고 매녀를 갖추어 사용해야한다. 이런 경우 사고가 나면 학교는 책임을 지지않는다.
The entire school campus is a designated smoke-free zone. Parents are asked to remind their drivers that they must not smoke inside the school campus. 학교안에서는 금연이다..누구도 어디서도 담배를 피울 수 없다.