한국의 NCS(National Competency Standards)제도
국가직무능력표준(NCS, National Competency Standards)은 산업현장에서 직무를 수행하기 위해 요구되는 지식·기술·태도 등의 내용을 국가가 체계화한 것입니다.
호주의 AQTF제도
AQTF(Austrailian Qualification Training Framework)
the act of starting to use a plan or system:
implementation of the law
법의 이행
implementation of the agreement
합의(계약)의 이행
Various projects for constructing new schools are under implementation in the region.
The study was criticized for its poor design and sloppy implementation.
There will be a delay in implementation of the new regulations.
The keys to the successful implementation of the project have been simplicity and communication.