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한국에 관년된 기사 From The New York Times South Korea Approves Free Trade Pact With U.S.
김재균22 추천 0 조회 14 11.11.23 21:26 댓글 15
게시글 본문내용
  • 작성자 11.11.23 21:44

    첫댓글 한-미 자유 무역 협정(FTA) 비준동의안이 국회에서 동의 (?)했다는 기사가 오늘 아침 뉴욕 타임즈에 실렸습니다. 최루탄 애기도 언급했고요. 국회의원들이 흘린 눈물은 최루 가스로 인한 한 순간의 가짜의 눈물이지만 앞으로 우리 농민들 소상공인들이 흘리 진짜 피눈물 나는 눈물은 누구 보상 해줘야하는지... 국회의원들은 손수건으로 잠시 눈물을 비켜 갈 수 있지만 우리 농부들이 겪어야하는 고통은 손수건으로 비껴 갈수 있는 그러한 것은 아닌 것 같습니다. 아래는 미국 사람들은 위의 기사를 보고 어떤 견해를 나타냈는지 엮어 보았습니다.

  • 작성자 11.11.23 21:46

    I understand the frustration at the American political discourse and admiration for the politician who threw a tear gas canister in a parliament, but you do realize that tear gas canisters are not items that can be just bought at a corner store in Korea, right? This politician's antics are akin to a congressman discharging his weapon on the floor of House to disrupt all proceedings not to his liking. There is/should be no place for violence in political discourse just as in personal civilized interaction.

  • 작성자 11.11.23 21:47

    Well, we in the good ol' U.S of A should consider ourselvs fortunate- most of our legislators' transgressions are more of a benign sexual and/or corrupt nature, rather than such a grossly crude act as depicted here. Shame on you!

  • 작성자 11.11.23 21:47

    I wish I owned stock in a tear gas company. It seems to be everywhere these days.

  • 작성자 11.11.23 21:49

    Korean government spokesman: “We will also make sure that the free trade agreement will rejuvenate the economy and above all, create jobs for young people.”

    Above all, they will not be young American people.

  • 작성자 11.11.23 21:50

    The tear gas bit is laughable and a tragic, desperate attempt to address another desperate and immoral, but successful, attempt to circumvent the legislative process. The South Korean people should repudiate their government which is not acting in their best interests. Just like Americans should repudiate our government which is paralyzed by the intransigence of the Republican party.

  • 작성자 11.11.23 21:50

    SK legislators using tear gas to get a vote passed???

    Now THAT is dedication to the cause. lol!

    I don't know why GM, Ford or Fiat..I mean Chrysler would worry about a free trade agreement. We bailed out two of them so they have no debt and all three of them make cars in Mexico where the labor is cheap. So what's their problem with this???

  • 작성자 11.11.23 21:51

    Detonating a tear gas canister.............hmmmm worth to try it in the legislature of my country.

  • 작성자 11.11.23 21:52

    I spent a number of months in Korea recently and Koreans spend their money in a fiercely nationalistic way. Unlike Americans who simply buy what is cheapest, regardless of how or by whom it was made, Koreans seek out Korean products and will purchase them regardless of price. This free trade deal, like many others, is a huge mistake. It will not increase market share of American made products, due to this economic nationalism, and will threaten many strategic American industries such as steel, and computing. Free trade is a good thing overall, but U.S. workers have been amongst its biggest los

  • 작성자 11.11.23 21:52

    biggest losers.

  • 작성자 11.11.23 21:55

    And why should Korea vote "no?' Like every nation in the world, they have a small economy into which the US can sell and the US has a huge economy into which they can sell. The people who benefit are the rich. The people who will lose are as usual the American workers who will lose their jobs when Korea undercuts American prices. There was time--1954--when 28% of the American economy was based on manufacturing. Now it is 9%. All those American who had good jobs making stuff are now working for Wl-Mart or Flipping hamburgers or living on unemployment.

  • 작성자 11.11.23 21:56

    The rich who own US companies will drop American workers like cold pancakes and start manufacturing in Korea as they have done unrelentingly for decades every time a "free trade" benefit opens up. In the end the only way America will be able to compete is when American workers work for Chinese wages. The mantra "Free Trade benefits America' is a reminder of the old Hitler saying "Tell a lie big enough and often enough and people will believe it."

  • 작성자 11.11.23 21:58

    Problem is that readers of the world affairs have to brace up for a drastically reduced size of the now majority ruling party of South Korea in April election. You see how the government party has struggled through a losing streak that includes a huge defeat in the recent Seoul mayoral by-election. I don't think this desperate parliamentary putsch has any significant plus to the already unpopular president who has several criminal convictions amassed through his checkered life.

  • 작성자 11.11.23 21:58

    I'd rather call him and the daughter of the assassinated coup leader the star-crossed lovers of Seoul, despite the fact that they actually don't love one another. An erstwhile shoo-in presidential hopeful as the incumbent's probable successor along the party line, Ms. Park, in public polls, now trails a college professor who still shyly resists politicizing questions from the badgering press.

  • 작성자 11.11.23 21:59

    The Old Guards in Seoul's political arena keep their fingers crossed that this FTA will somehow work its magic and expiate their falling ratings in the approaching popular tribunals. Now, we may as well wait and see what will come out of next year's elections for legislature and presidency of the nation.
