1.On-ly Be-got-ten, Word of God e-ter - nal,
Lord of Cre-a-tion, mer-ci-ful and might - y,
List to thy serv - ants, when their tune-ful voic - es.
Rise to Thy pre-sence.
2.Thus in our sol-emn feast of de-di-ca - tion,
Graced with re-turn-ing rites of due de-vo - tion,
Ev-er thy child - ren, year by year re-joic - ing,
Chant in Thy tem-ple.
3.This is Thy pa-lace: here Thy pre-sence cham - ber
Here may Thy ser-vants, at the mys-tic ban - quet,
Dai-ly a-dor - ing, take the Bo-dy brok - en,
Drink of Thy cha-lice.
4.Here in our sick-ness heal-ing grace a-bound - eth,
Light in our blind-ness, in our toil re-fresh - ment:
Sin is for-giv - en, hope o'er fear pre-vail - eth,
Joy ov - er sor-row.
5.Lord, we be-seech thee, as we throng thy tem - ple,
By thy past bles-sings, by thy pre-sent boun - ty,
Smile on thy child - ren, and with ten-der mer - cy
Hear our pe-ti-tions.
6.God in Three Per-sons, Fa-ther ev-er-last - ing,
Son co-e-ter-nal, ev-er bless-ed Spi - rit,
Thine be the glo - ry, praise and a-dor-a - tion,
Now and for-ev-er.