Proto-South Dravidian : *tav-/*tap-
Meaning : to perish
Tamil : tapu (? -pp-, -tt-)
Tamil meaning : to perish, come to an end, die
Tamil derivates : (-pp-, -tt-) to destroy; taputi ruin, death; tappu (tappi-) to die; tava (-pp-, -nt-) to cease; tavar_u (tavar_i-) to die; tava (-pp-, -nt-) to cease; tavar_u (tavar_i-) to die; tavu (? -v-, -nt- or -pp-, -tt-) to shrink, be reduced, be ruined; taval diminishing, decreasing, failure, death, poverty; tavvu (tavvi-) to lessen, decrease, shrink, perish, decay, waste away; n. shrinking, perishing, decay; tāvu (tāvi-) to perish, decay (usually in neg. forms), be removed, disappear; n. ruin; tā decay, destruction, fault, blemish, defect, deficiency
Kannada : tavaḷisu
Kannada meaning : to destroy, cause to droop or fade
Kannada derivates : tavir, tavil want, poverty, trouble; tavisu to cause to decrease or be diminished, make an end of, destroy, remove; tavu to decrease, be diminished, waste away, come to an end, perish, diminish (tr.), destroy; n. decrease, destruction, ruin, drooping, depressed or humble state; tavuge decrease, end; tavuŋku = tavu vb.; tavuŋkal diminution, ruin; tave to decrease, wane, be insufficient; tagusi decrease, want, deficiency; (PBh.) tappudu it will be wasted, it will perish, wane, decrease, come to an end
Proto-Nilgiri : *tav-
Proto-Nilgiri : *tav-
Meaning : to die
Kota : tav- (tat-)
Toda : ? tōn "the deceased (e. g. tōn mox the dead boy, tōn wɨs_ēn the decreased Wɨs_ēn)"
Additional forms : Also Kota tavīr (< tav-ayr-; tavrc-< tav-arc-) to kill; tāv death, corpse, funeral; tā pay, tā vay, tā vī house where there is a death; tā nāṛ place where corpse is cremated
Number in DED : 3068
Number in DED : 3068