"Also on July 30th, we're going to bring the iPhone to 17 more countries, with the omission of South Korea. So that's the update on iPhone 4."
오늘 새벽에 있었던 기자회견에서 잡스는 이번 2차 출시국가중에 한국이 빠진다고 발표했습니다. 새벽까지 기다리며 발표를 지켜본 많은 사람들은 실망할 수 밖에 없었는데요.
그도 그럴것이 최근까지만해도 kt에서는 7월발매에는 이상이 없다는 식으로 나왔기 때문입니다.
이뿐 아니라 기자회견내용중에는 잡스가 한국기업을 비하하는 듯한 내용의 발언도 있어 눈길을 끌었는데 이로 보아 뭔가 보복성의 조치가 아닐까 조심스럽게 예측됩니다.
아무튼 아이폰 발매에 많은 관심을 기울이신 분들께는 충격적인 소식이 아닐 수 없는데요
현재로선 kt의 반응을 기다려보는 수밖에 없네요
이하는 한국기업을 비하(?)하는 뉘앙스를 풍기는 발언
Would you have done anything differently knowing what you know now?
Steve: Well, of course the Consumer Reports stuff was bad, and of course we would have liked to get on this sooner. We just got this data. We just learned what was going on. We're an engineering company. We think like engineers. We love it, we think it's the right way to solve real problems. I don't think that's going to change, and the way we love our customers isn't going to change. Maybe it's human nature -- when you're doing well, people want to tear you down. I see it happening with Google, people trying to tear them down. And I don't understand it... what would you prefer? That we were a korean company, that we were here in America leading the world with these products... maybe it's just that people want to get eyeballs on their sites. We've been around for 34 years... haven't we earned the credibility and the trust of the press? I think we have that from our users. I didn't see it exhibited by some of the press as this was blown so far out of proportion. I'm not saying we didn't make a mistake -- we didn't know that it would have these issues, we didn't know we were putting a bull's eye on the phone... but this has been so overblown. But to see how we could do better is going to take some time.