The title of this book is Let's go out side Go Outside and play Play The main characters are Danny and his mother. Danny and his dog Shep wanted to go outdoors to play in the snow. Danny didn't understand why Shep didn't have to wear winter clothes. Danny's mother told him that dogs adapt to the cold weather. She said that Sep's Shep's hair gets londer longer and thicker in the winter. So, Danny decied decided to stay inside and look at his picture books. Danny asked his mother what bears and birds do when winter comes. His mother said bears sleep and birds fly to the South during the winter. Eventually, Danny decided to adapt by putting on his winter clothes. I think this book is quit quite interesting.
Score: B+
- 대니가 처음에 왜 겨울 옷을 입기 싫어했는지 설명해보세요.
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- 책 제목과 같은 고유명사는 각 단어의 첫 글자를 대문자로 써야 해요. 예: "Let's Go Outside and Play"