Wait until senior1) or elder persons start to eat. |
Don't talk with your mouth full. |
Use your spoon for rice and soup. |
Don't hold2) plate3) or bowl4) while eating. |
Use both hands while you pour drinks to the elders. |
Don't stick up5) spoon or chopsticks6) from your rice bowl. |
Put your spoon and chopsticks on the table after meals. |
Don't leave the table until the elders finish their meals. |
Don't blow8) your nose at the table. |
2. Reading Method Program./핵심이해를 돕는 독해요령
3. 주부 Drama 회화반/ 오늘 배워 오늘 써먹는 영어
4. 대학생 토익반/ 900점 48시간 완성
5. 비지니스 직장인 회화반/ 빠른 영어 정확히 듣기 말하기