♔Duffer♔ Productions Present:
Napoleon Better Renders Mod

Picture, I added lens-flare only
As part of our new productions, I give you a mod that improves the renders on all maps in Napoleon Total War, made by one of our Duffer members who made Empire optimized for Empire Total War ♔KillZoneGB♔ please rep this brilliant and innovative fellow!
What this mod does..... well it significantly improves renders and textures look clearer to me, on the battle map areas smoother frame rates better FPS, thus better performance without sacrificing quality.
I have tested this mod and I saw significant performance gains, but dont take my word for it chaps try it yourself! and remember to rep♔KillZoneGB♔
There are 2 version, for online multi-player battle maps, which may improve gameplay quality and performance!
and an offline version for generally better or improved performance on battle-map areas
This is what ♔KillZoneGB♔ said........
This mostly changes how NTW renders,
IE in the Napoleon Duffer Renders.pack tracers have more alpha, reduced kick up dust from units when moving.
Grid sizes changed, Less Blur, natural resolution Increased to 1280X1024 (stock was 1280X900)
Less impact of fps for rain,snow and dust.
List goes on.......
This is version 3 of these mods, if you have a low to mid end spec machine or a high spec machine try one of these mods(Charlie has a GTX275 series card, it may not improve anything for users with a card higher or similar spec than this) however give them a try you never know? We dont wish to make any exuberant claims, it may or may not improve things for certain members, however I certainly have a good performance boost myself, as do many other members who have reported using these mods! Try both and see which one you prefer? report your findings on this thread please and give us your PC specs!
Tip: turn off AA in your game, it isnt needed with this mod and really increases performance without losing quality, I was amazed when I turned AA off, give it a try?
Click on these Grey boxes to open
*New*Duffer Renders v4 |
*New*Duffer Renders v4
3 mods included...
Duffer reduced fragments.pack
Duffer Lod and BDFR.pack
Duffer BDFR.pack
These may help older systems cope with lod and Frame-rates in game, by reducing fragments from cannon fire etc! try them one at a time to see which mod is suited to your system.*These may be used with the previous mods!*
Here is what the creator said.....
LodAndBDFR ----------
Contains Lod Adjustments, and rework on the BDFR rendering textures (32Bit)
Lod Adjusment`s are not final, up to user to edit.
BDFR ---- rework on the BDFR rendering textures (32Bit) Only. Only use if LodAndBDFR pack cause`s major drop`s and stutter.
Reduced Fragments ----------------- Reduced the number of cannon fragments, should ease the pain on some older systems.
Charlie Simpson -(C)2010
Just place in your data folder and your done
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\napoleon total war\data
Download from http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QQP5BPMN OR Duffer_Productions__Better_Renders_v4.rar
More links to come |
Duffer_High_Spec_Performance v3 |
Duffer High Spec Performance v3
This version is for High end graphic cards, however I use a Nvidia 9600GT and it works for me, so give it a try chaps!, if it does nothing for you, jolly tough luck and all that! however nothing ventured nothing gain eh?

Just place in your data folder and your done
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\napoleon total war\data
Download from
Enjoy! Brigadier Graham
Duffer Renders version v2 |
Duffer Renders version v2 (new)
This new mod is Self activating Patch format pack. No need to activate in your User.Script or Mod Manager.
Just install 1 pack to your Data folder and your done, simple really!
If you own a High Spec GPU Install: Duffer High Spec Performance.pack*
to your data folder of NTW.
For Low to Mid End Install: Duffer Low Mid Spec Quality.pack
In your data folder
***************************************** For Best Quality use Duffer High Spec Performance.pack*
***************************************** For Best Preformance use Duffer Low Mid Spec Quality.pack * ***************************************** ****KillZoneGB**AKA**Charlie*Simpson*****
Download from
Duffer Productions! |
Duffer Renders v1 |
Napoleon Duffer online.pack This may give improved performance in multi-player battle-maps OR Napoleon Duffer offline.pack (without any files that may effect game-play! and may improve performance on battle-maps)
To install just put 1 of the packs.... place 1 of them in your Data folder, nothing could be simpler. as far as I see it doesn't conflict with any other mod!(but remove any other dust removal mod you have in you data folder)
Download from
New files, these are the final versions for now
Pictures using this mod! |
Using the Duffer High Spec Performance.pack* baring in mid I only have an Nvidia 9600GT card, I have never had pictures of this quality before! Remember to turn off AA in your game graphics menu!

I use a Nvidia 9600GT 512 MB
Intel E7300 core duo 2 @2.66ghz
4GB of RAM
Windows 7 64 bit
You might want to use something like this that shuts down any background application you are not using, it is free so give it a whirl eh?
Here is something you might want to use, which makes grass look more realistic
Primergy's Grass-mod - Flowers, overall more realistic look
I have all settings on ultra, apart from "ambient occlusion"(not supported by my card) And when the box is checked in the graphics menu there is a huge slowdown!
Another trick of the trade is this....
Turn off Vertical synchronization in Napoleon graphics menu..
and in your preference.script located:LocalDisk/AppData/Roaming/The Creative Assembly/Napoleon/scripts/preferences.script.txt
Go to this text gfx_frame_rate 0; and set the value to 0 (usually set at 60) and save.
You can also add this gfx_frame_rate 0; to your user.script as well.
Note: if you cannot find your scripts folder you may need to enable your hidden folders options!
Go to tools/folder options/ view/enable hidden folders, and apply!
Hopefully on middle to high spec computers you may be able to use higher settings or have better performance on the settings you use, you need to experiment for the best settings using this mod as there are too many configurations to give an accurate assessment! You have to try the mod and report your findings.Do try it if you have a laptop though, it may improve your performance too. I have seen significant performance gains on my computer, however if you have super duper state of the art set up that makes cups of tea, and makes you look cool in front of girls or makes you a "Vulcan god" at Star Trek conventions! then it may not be the mod for you, but give it a try you never know

Brigadier Graham

Permissions: and all that! |
Permissions: Permission by request only. This means that permission must be sought to use any elements of the creators work, this is to cover instances where the creator wishes to keep certain elements (ie; use of names) at their discretion. Accreditation It is common courtesy to give accreditation to any work done by another modder which is included in your work.
P.S. if you use or like this mod or any other mod from these forums, please remember to Rep the Brig and ♔KillZoneGB♔ please. It just shows that you appreciate our efforts chaps, it is this button here....>>
<< under our Avatars for those of you who dont know!