오늘날짜 ABC뉴스 기사 올려봅니다. 수출입 업무 경험이 있어 관심이 가는 기사네요. ^^
구글-모토롤라, MS-스카이프에 이어 세계택배 1위인 미국의 UPS가 네덜란드 4위기업 TNT를 인수한다네요. 아직 EU승인 전이긴 하지만 거의 확정적이지 싶네요. 국내에서 워낙 DHL의 입지가 탄탄하긴 하지만 대외물류비용은 좀 더 낮아지지 않을까하는 기대를 해봅니다. 그리스와 이란사태로 경제전망이 혼전정국이긴 하나 개인적으론 미국경기가 여러모로 살아날 조짐이 보이는 것 같습니다. 여러분은 어떻게 생각하시나요??
UPS to Buy TNT Express for $6.8 Billion
United Parcel Service Inc. said Monday it will buy Netherlands-based TNT Express NV for $6.77 billion (?5.16 billion) in a cash deal that will create a company with annual sales of ?60 billion.
Atlanta-based UPS is the world's largest delivery company, while TNT, headquartered in Hoofddorp, Netherlands, is the second-biggest express mail company in Europe behind Germany's DHL. The combination will have 475,000 employees worldwide and increase UPS's international sales to around 36 percent of its total from 26 percent at present.
"Why is TNT very attractive?" said UPS Chief Financial Officer Kurt Kuehn at a press conference in Amsterdam. Because it has "operations in areas where we're underserved. Brazil. Australia. The Middle East. The road and train network in Europe."
He said UPS hopes to further boost its international sales to 50 percent in the next five years.
The merger is not expected to face serious opposition from antitrust authorities, as TNT has virtually no presence in the U.S., while the European market is highly fragmented.
The agreed deal, UPS's largest ever acquisition, offers TNT shareholders ?9.5 per share. TNT's largest shareholder, Dutch postal company PostNL, said it has committed to tendering its 29.9 percent stake to UPS.
The UPS bid represents a 54 percent premium to TNT's closing price on Feb. 16, but is only 5.6 percent higher than the ?9 "informal" offer UPS made the following day, which TNT's management rejected.
TNT shares closed at ?9.35 on Friday in expectation of a higher offer. They rose 1.1 percent to ?9.447 in Amsterdam, signaling investors believe the offer will almost certainly be accepted.
"The token 50 cents improvement on last month's informal proposal is hardly surprising," said SNS Securities analyst Geert Steens. "TNT Express has since released disappointing results, confirming the sad state of most of its non-European businesses."
He advised investors to "take what is currently on the table."
On Feb. 21, TNT reported a loss of ?173 million ($229 million) for the fourth quarter, including a ?104 million charge on its Brazilian arm and another ?45 million to write down the value of its airplane fleet. Revenues rose 2.8 percent to ?1.85 billion ($2.5 billion).
Challenged on why UPS wants to expand in Europe at a time the continent's economy is faltering in the wake of a raging debt crisis, CFO Kuehn said it shows the company's "long-standing commitment to Europe."
He said the deal will add to earnings per share in the first year, and that by 2015 the companies will save at least ?440 million annually from combining operations, including air fleets, as well as software and logistics systems.
However, UPS expects to spend a one-time ?1 billion to realize those savings.
Kuehn declined to answer questions about potential sales of operations or job cuts at TNT. He said he expects the deal to close in the third quarter of 2012.
UPS's offer includes a provision that would award TNT ?200 million if the deal fails to win regulatory approval. It also specifies TNT can only consider competing bids 8 percent higher and must pay UPS ?50 million if it breaks off the deal.
However, TNT Chief Executive Marie-Christine Lombard said she had not been contacted by the most likely alternative bidder, FedEx Corp., and FedEx has so far said it is not interested in TNT.
첫댓글 사족이지만,그리스 지금 엉망이랍니다.떠날수 있는 사람들은 짐을 싸는중이라고 하더군요.
이것도 부익부 빈익빈 현상인가요? TNT를 이용해서 전세계를 점령하겠다는거군요.
여기서 저도 TNT많이 보아왔는데,네델란드회사지는 처음 알았습니다.
5년안에 50% 인상!! 정말 꿈같은 목표입니다. 좋은자료 잘보았습니다.
글로벌시대에 Express사업은 주목할만 합니다.
기업들이 내세운 목표치는 종업원들을 진작시키기 위함이지 실제목표는 당근 아니죠.쩝~ 가뜩이나 글로벌한 기업들이 몸집이 커질수록 뭔가 씁쓸해 지는건 왜일까요? 외국어 잘하는 사람이 넘쳐나는 한국이지만 아직까지 물류업계는 세계시장에 명함도 못 내밀고 있네요. 깨어있는 자본가의 투자가 절실한 시점입니다.
외국어 뿐만이 아닙니다. 기술도 넘쳐나고,인력,인재들도 넘쳐납니다.한국의 택배산업!! 배달업계 !! 맥도날드도 배달되는 나라. 기절할 만큼 경쟁력 치열한 나라!! 왜 ? 명함도 못 내미는지 모르겠습니다.
그게 시스템적으로 이미 안정화 되어 있는 상태라 쉽지가 않은 모양이예요. 아시아나를 비롯해 몇몇업체들이 계속 두들겨는 보는데 바위치기인듯.., 물류학교나 대학전공도 점점 늘어나고 있으니 다음세대에 기대해 볼까용?? 넘 비겁한가? ^^;
근데...FedEx가 1위가 아녔나보죠..ㅡ.ㅡ? 저희는 UPS라 하면..uninterrupted power supply 쪽을 우선 생각하는데...ㅎㅎ
아~ 시장점유율은 dhl fedex 순이고 매출은 ups가 1위입니다. 국내에선 단연 매출도 dhl이 장악하고 있죠. 단가싸움이 안되거든요. 아시는 분은 아시겠지만 쩝~