서울대학교 고고미술사학과에서 아래의 내용과 같이 국제 심포지움을 개최하오니, 관심있는 연구자들의 많은 참석 바랍니다.
▪ 주제 : 세계 고고학의 최근 동향 Ⅱ (Current Debates in World Archaeology Ⅱ)
▪ 일시 : 2016년 08월 25일(목) 10:30~17:30
▪ 장소 : 서울대학교 신양인문학술정보관 (4동) 302호 국제회의실 (첨부파일의 약도 참조)
▪ 문의처 : 서울대학교 고고미술사학과 조교 김준규 (02-880-6210)
10:30 Welcoming Speech
John Barrett (Sheffield University, UK)
Escaping the Processualist and Post-Processualist Dilemma
Brian Boyd (Columbia University, USA)
Settled? The origins of agriculture and domestication in the ‘Near East’ and Anatolia
12:00-13:00 Lunch
Jan Turek (Charles University, Czech Republic)
Understanding gender concepts of ancient Egypt and prehistoric societies
Zoe Crossland (Columbia University, USA)
An Ontology of Signs: Reflections on Semiotic approaches in Archaeology
14:20–14:40 Coffee Break
Leo Aoi Hosoya (Ochanomizu University, Japan)
Theorization of Japanese archaeology: Is it possible? Is it needed? - In relation to the globalization of East Asian archaeology
Kim, Jongil (Seoul National University, Korea)
‘Techne’ – An alternative understanding of Technology in archeology –
Ko, Ilhong (Seoul National University, Korea)
‘Negotiating Identities in a Neo-Confucian World: Joseon Funerary Practices and the Use of Myeonggi’
16:40–16:50 Coffee Break
16:50-17:30 Discussion