- 물냉이, Watercress
. 학명; Nasturtium officinale
. 개요; 유럽원산의 다년생 식물
. 효능; 이뇨제, 거담제, 하제, 흥분제, 위장제.
. 사용법; 우리거나 주스로
1 학명과 약용부위
- 학명; Nasturtium officinale
- 약용부위
. Roots, young shoots, leaves.
. 뿌리, 새순, 잎
2 통명
- 영어; Scurvy grass, tall nasturtium.
- 한글; 물냉이
3 개요
- 유럽원산의 다년생 식물
. 맑고 차가운 물에서 자생하거나 재배
- 줄기; 45센티내외로 속이 비어 물위로 성장
. 잎; 홀수 깃모양의 매끄럽고 진녹색으로 형성
- 꽃; 7월경 길쭉한 말단 총상꽃차례로 백색의 작은 꽃으로 개화
. 열매; 길고 구부러진 선형 원통형 분할 꼬투리로 성숙
Native to Europe and naturalized in the U.S., watercress is a perennial plant which thrives in clear, cold water and is found in ditches and streams everywhere. It is cultivated for its leaves which are principally used as salad greens or garnishes. Connected to a creeping rootstock, the hollow, branching stem, 1 to 2 feet in length, generally extends with its leaves above the water. The smooth, somewhat fleshy, dark green leaves are odd-pinnate with one to four pairs of small, oblong or roundish leaflets. The small, white flowers bloom in elongating terminal racemes from May to September. The fruit is a long, curved, linear-cylindric partitioned pod.
4 효능
- 이뇨제, 거담제, 하제, 흥분제, 위장제.
. 통풍, 경미한 소화장애, 카타르에 권장
- 효과적인 거담제
. 결핵, 빈혈, 습진에도 유익
- 고 비타민 씨 함량; 질병예방 효과
. 미네랄, 철분, 요오드 함량도 풍부; 선분비활동 증진
- 제한된 모발손실; 주스를 발라 치유
- 주의; 과용이나 장기사용시 신장문제 발생
. 격일로 4주이내로 제한
. 주스는 반드시 희석사용; 목과 위장에 염증예방
. 임신중 사용; 의사 상담필요
Diuretic, expectorant, purgative, stimulant, stomachic, Watercress is recommended for gout, mild digetive distrubances, and catarrh of the upper respiratory tract. Very effective as an expectorant, it is also beneficial for tuberculosis, anemia and eczema. Its high vitamin C content makes it a good illness preventive. In addition, the richness of its mineral, iron, and iodine content stimulates glandular activity. Limited loss of hair caused by a fungus can be remedied by an application of watercress juice. CAUTION; Excessive or prolonged use can lead to kidney problems. It shoudl not be taken daily and no longer than four weeks even with interruptions. The juice should not be taken undiluted because it can produce inflammations in the throat and stomach. Some doctors caution against use during prograncy.
5 사용법
- 반드시 신선하게 사용
- 우리기; 물 1/2컵에 새순 1티스푼
. 신선하게 하루 3번 음용
- 주스; 1티스푼을 우유나 물에 타서
. 하루 3회 복용
Watercress must be used fresh.
Infusion; Use 1 tsp. young shoots in 1/2 cup water. Take 1/2 cup, freshly made, three times a day. To maintain the greatest prossible vitamin content, do not steep a long time or allow to boil.
Juice; Take 1 tsp. in milk or water, three times a day. Fresh watercress juice is easily obtained with a electic vegetable juicer.