MCM has never hosted so many celebrities with World Book Day, the Year 7 and 8 Social and our 10th Anniversary Gala Concert hosted within #24hoursatMCM. As Harry Potter’s and Hermione’s peeked around every corner, our Artemis Boarding House came as Little Miss’ and Apollo boys turning up in matching ‘Things’ from Cat in the Hat, World Book Day was truly upon us.
But, if this wasn’t enough fun for one day, on Friday evening, our Sixth Form pupils set up a social for our Year 7 and 8s with the theme ‘Come as a Celebrity’. From the Mario brothers to Marshmello, ‘celebrities’ met in the Green Hall for an evening of music, dancing and lots of treats.
To round up this exceptional #24hoursatMCM, The Gala Concert was hosted on Saturday evening, with pupils throughout the College gathering for a brilliant performance of musical talent, passion and genius. Life at Marlborough College Malaysia truly never slows.
월드 북 데이를 맞아 다양한 행사가 있었습니다. 책읽기를 생활화 합시다~~