Jacob is the Boxing Champion worldwide. Daniel, as a rival of Jacob, eagered to be appointed as a championn as Jacob does. Therefore, Daniel chose to get in on the fee which is necessarily demanded for challenger who challendged against Champion. AFter 2 months later, equipped with abundant fee for challenging, Danile had a big match with Jacob. Before having a match, Daniel took energy steroid which substancially inhance the muscle. Few minutes later, the match began. At first, overwhlemed with hubris from the fact that he took muscle-stimulating drug, Daniel forgot to protect his body from Jacob, so he let Jacob's punch in. Daniel subconsciously kelt down before Jacob due largely to the damage from from Jacob's fist. Right before the judge proclaim the win of Jacob, the pill that Daniel had just before started to kicks in. Dneil was so embarrased from the fact that he collapsed down by Jacob's one light punch, so he couldn't hold in resentment. Meanwhile, Jacob felt the atmosphere of hostility from Daniel, so he gave in. ANd Daniel ascended the throne.