- 스트로브잣나무, White pine
. 학명; Pinus strobus
. 개요; 북미 중동부 원산의 상록수
. 효능; 거담제
. 사용법; 우리거나 팅크로
1 학명과 약용부위
- 학명; Pinus strobus
- 약용부위
. Inner bark, young shoots.
. 속껍질, 새순
2 통명
- 영어; Deal pine, soft pine.
- 한글; 스트로브잣나무
3 개요
- 북미 중동부 원산의 상록수
. 뉴펀들랜드, 조지아, 아이오와 등에서 자생
- 줄기; 50미터 이상까지 회갈색으로 성장
. 잎; 청록색 바늘형의 5개송이로 형성
- 꽃; 수꽃보다 암꽃이 더 크게 콘형으로 개화
. 열매; 가느다란 20센티의 콘속에 갈색으로 성숙
White pine is a large North American evergreen tree found growing from Newfoundland to Georgia and Iowa. Reaching a height of 150 feet or more, the tree is covered with deeply fissured, gray-brown bark. Its branches are arranged in regular whorls. The soft bluish-green, needle-like, liner leaves grow in clusters of five, the clusters spirally arranged on the branches. The male flowers grow in axillary, catkinlike cones, the female in slightly larger lateral or nearly terminal cones. The slender, cylindric seed cones are from 3 to 8 inches long and are often curved. The winged seeds are brown, mottled with black.
4 효능
- 거담제.
. 오래전부터 감기로 인한 기침과 울혈 치료
- 북미원주민; 수지와 새순으로 감기치료
. 속껍질과 수지로 상처를 위한 습포제로 사용
Expectorant. The inner bark of white pine has long been a standard remedy for coughs and congestion due to colds, as a tea or as an ingredient in cough syrup. This application goes back to the American Indians some of whom also used the resinous sap and the young leaves as cold remedies. Some tribes used the inner bark or the sap as a poultice or dressing for wounds and sores.
5 사용법
- 우리기; 물1컵에 1티스푼
. 필요시마다 한모금씩 음용
- 팅크; 2-10방울을 물에 타서 복용
- 혼합차; 1티스푼과 야생체리껍질, 사사프라스껍질, 미국감송뿌리 각 1스푼
. 0.5리터의 끓는 물에 30분
. 매시간 1스푼씩 음용
Infusion; Steep 1 tsp. inner bark or young shoots in 1 cup water. Take a mouthful at a time, as needed.
Tincture; A dose is from 2 to 10 drops in water.
Mixture; Steep 1 tsp. white pine bark and 1 tbsp. each of wild cherry bark, sassafras bark, and American spikenard root in 1 pint boiling-hot water for 30 minutes. Take 1 tsp. every hour.