- 야생 생강, Wild ginger
. 학명; Asarum canadense
. 개요; 북미원산의 다년생 허브
. 효능; 구풍제, 발한제, 거담제, 자극제.
. 사용법; 우리거나 팅크로
1 학명과 약용부위
- 학명; Asarum canadense
- 약용부위
. Rootstock.
. 뿌리
2 통명
- 영어; Black snakeweed, Canada snakeroot, coltsfoot snakeroot, false coltsfoot, heart snakeroot, Indian ginger, southern snakeroot, Vermount snakeroot.
- 한글; 야생 생강
3 개요
- 북미원산의 다년생 허브
. 중동부의 풍부한 숲에서 자생
- 줄기; 줄기가 없이 뿌리에서 바로 잎 성장
. 잎; 콩팥 모양의 2개로 형성
- 꽃; 4월경에 짧은 자주빛 을 띤 갈색으로 개화
Wild ginger is a stemless perennial herb found in rich woods from New Brunswick to North Carolina and Missouri. Its slender, branched rootstock produces two long-petioled, kidney shaped leaves, from 2 to 7 inches across, which have a deep indentation at the base and are fine-haired on both sides. A solitary purplish-brown flower grows on a short, sleder peduncle, blooming during April and May.
4 효능
- 구풍제, 발한제, 거담제, 자극제.
. 차; 헛배부름, 배앓이, 배탈치유
. 생강대체가능
- 외부적용; 국소자극효과
- 파우더; 재채기 유발용으로 활용
- 북미원주민; 여성피임목적으로 다려서 복용
Carminative, diaphoretic, expectorant, irritant. A tea made from the rootstock of wild ginger has been used to relieve flatulence, colic, and upset stomach. Applied externally, it acts as a local irritant; the powder can be used to induced sneezing. It can substitute for ginger root when the latter is not available. The women of one American Indian tribe drank a strong decoction of the rootstock and roots for contraceptive purposes.
5 사용법
- 우리기; 물0.5리터에 1티스푼
. 필요시마다 2스푼씩 음용
- 팅크; 2-5방울 복용
Infusion; Steep 1 tsp. rootstock in 1 pint water. Take 2 tbsp. at a time, as required.
Tincture; A dose is from 2 to 5 drops.