24. 경전 수지(受持)가 최고의 복덕
“수보리여! 삼천대천세계에 있는 산들의 왕 수미산(須彌山)만큼의 칠보 무더기를 가지고 보시하는 사람이 있다고 하자. 또 이 반야바라밀경의 사구게(四句偈)만이라도 받고 지니고 읽고 외워 다른 사람을 위해 설해 주는 사람이 있다고 하자. 그러면 앞의 복덕은 뒤의 복덕에 비해 백에 하나에도 미치지 못하고 천에 하나 만에 하나에도 미치지 못하며 더 나아가서 어떤 셈이나 비유로도 미치지 못한다.”
Section 24: The merits of prajñā are incomparable
제 24 · 복지무비福智無比 | 복과 지혜는 비교할 수 없나니
Chapter 24. Uncomparable Happiness and Virtue
"Subhuti, if there were someone who gave away to others all the piles of the seven precious treasures filled in the kings of all the Mount Sumerus in the 3,000 grand thousand worlds as an act of generosity, while on the other hand, there was another person who receives, understands, recites and explains the Sutra of Prajnaparamita, even if only a stanza of four lines of the Sutra, the happiness and virtue resulting from the former is not even close to one-hundredth, of one- billionth of that of the latter. In addition, no numbers in mathematics are comparable to that of the latter."
제 24 복과 지혜를 비교할 수 없다
“수보리야, 어떤 사람이 모든 삼천대천세계에서 제일 큰 산인 수미산왕만한 칠보의 덩어리들을 가지고 널리 보시한다 해도, 만일 또 다른 어떤 사람이 이 반야바라밀경에서 내지 네 글귀의 계송만이라도 받아 지니고 읽고 외우고 남을 위해 연설해 주었다면, 앞의 복덕으로는 백분의 일에도 미치지 못하고 백천만억분의 일에도 미치지 못하며 내지 숫자가 있는대로 다 모아서 비교하더라도 미치지 못하느니라.”
The Buddha continued: "Subhuti, if a person collected treasures as high as 3,000 of the highest mountains, and gave them all to others, their merit would be less than what would accrue to another person who simply observed and studied this Sutra and, out of kindness, explained it to others. The latter person would accumulate hundreds of times the merit, hundreds of thousands of millions of times the merit. There is no conceivable comparison."
<24> 福智無比 The Incomparable Merit of This Teaching
Subhuti, if there be one who gives away in gifts of alms a mass of the seven treasures equal in extent to as many mightly Mount Sumerus as there would be in three thousand galaxies of worlds, and if there be another who selects even only four lines from this Discourse upon the Perfection of Transcendental Wisdom, receiving and retaining them, and clearly expounding them to others, the merit of the latter will be so far greater than that of the former that no conceivable comparison can be made between them.
Section 24: The merits of prajñā are incomparable
“Subhūti, suppose three thousand great thousand-worlds all contained Sumeru, King of Mountains, and there were mountains such as this of the Seven Precious Jewels, given away by someone in the practice of giving. If a person has only a four-line gāthā from this Prajñāpāramitā sūtra, and accepts, maintains, studies, recites, and speaks it for others, then the merits of the other person are not even one hundredth as good. They are so vastly inferior that the two are incomparable.