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우리가 수없이 만나기 때문입니다. 그들은 어떻게 빠졌는지, 그들을 미혹한 실체를 알아야 합니다.
성경침례교회 연수원과정 소개합니다.
건전한 교리를 파괴하는 이단들 - 주일학교 성경교사 자격증 10주차 과정
※ 본 과정은 청강 가능합니다. 청강하기 원하시는 분들을 모집합니다
▣ 일시 : 2023년 2월 17일(금)-18일(토)(금요일 저녁 7시 입소, 토요일 오후 3시 30분 퇴소)
▣ 강의 구성
제1강 거짓 추수꾼들을 양산한 신천지
제2강 유월절을 지키는 안상홍 하나님의교회
제3강 삼위일체를 거부하는 여호와의 증인
제4강 육체적 쾌락을 추구하는 몰몬교
제5강 율법의 저주에 사로잡힌 안식교
제6강 침례에 의한 중생을 가르치는 이단들
▣ 교육비 : 5만원
▣ 교육장소 : 서울솔로몬학교 성경연수원(인천광역시 강화군 길상면 장흥로 29-6)
▣ 신청마감: 2023년 2월 16일(목)
▣ 신청방법: 교회 게시판이나 인터넷 홈페이지에서 신청서 작성 - http://bit.ly/2F84Kjd
▣ 다음 과정 안내
# 3월 4일(토) 제7차 복음전도 집회! 길이요 진리요 생명이신 예수 그리스도[요한복음 강해 5]
# 3월 10,11일(금,토) 믿음의 시련을 견뎌 내라[제 119기 야고보서 강해]
Facebook의 Michael Paul Clough님이 I live chick tracts에 올린 글에서
Seventh Day Adventistism began first with William Miller.
One of their Main Theological Aspects of Belief is Called:
"The Investigative Judgement"
This Theological Term was the Result of a False Prophecy concerning Jesus Christ's Second Coming.
William Miller stated in a Prophecy that the Event of Christ's Return would occur between March.21/1843 to March. 21/1844.
The Prophetic Date was Suppose to be the Fulfillment of Daniel.8:14 or the 2300 Days Period allegedly dating from 457 B.C. and ending in the 1843-44 Period of Time.
Reckoning according to the Jewish calendar.
As the Date was Approaching, Religious Frenzy Shook the Millerite World. *The Lord is Coming Back! "
When Nothing Occurred when the Date Setting had Passed. William Miller admitted Miscalculation and Reset the Date to October. 22/1844. A Precise Date of Jesus Christ's Return!
It didn't Happen. Called:" The Great Disappointment."
A Leader of the Church in Philadelphia wrote:
It's is a Cloudy and Dark Day here, the Sheep are Scattered - the Lord has Not yet Come.
But to Cover up its Prophetic Timing and False Prophecy,
The next day on October.23/1844 a Devout Adventist,
Hiram Edson to Avoid the Taunts and Ridicule of Neighbours took another route home through a Corn Field.
All of a sudden he had a Revelation, that instead of Jesus Christ's Physical Return, He just Changed Sanctuaries in the Heaven to initiate an Investigated
Judgement upon all Bible Believers.
Where Jesus Christ just Changed from one Sanctuary to Another Sanctuary in Heaven, Not on Earth to Return and Set up His Millennial Kingdom.
Just like the Jehovah Witness Prophecy of 1914 where Jesus Christ's Second Coming was only Spiritually Also.
False Prophecy Cover-Up by another Lie of Deceit.
A Tactic Satan uses to Confound the Naive.