Don't miss out on a chance to take over the wholesale stock for the art.
Available to buy Stock only. Stock worth over Approx $250,000.
Seller running same business, same location over 48 years.
The lease remains for one year. Rent $4000/m includes T.M.I & H.S.t Wholesale, retail, Supplies, paints, brushes, Frames, and all other items for the Art.
Connected to North American, and Canadian art galleries.
The seller retires and may provide 4 Websites that take over Amazon, Austin Texas, Etsy, and eBay.
Wholesale, retail, Supplies, paints, brushes, Frames, and all other items for the Art.
Connected to North American galleries.
2446 Cawthra Rd #6 Mississauga Ontario L5A 3K6
쇼잉 및 매물 문의는 647 880 5111로 연락주세요. 감사합니다.