3.10 Sleeves
Players may use plastic card sleeves or other protective devices on cards. If a player chooses to use card sleeves,
all sleeves must be identical and all cards in his or her deck must be placed in the sleeves in an identical manner.
If the sleeves feature holograms or other similar markings, cards must be inserted into the sleeves so these
markings appear only on the faces of the cards.
During a match, a player may request that a judge inspect an opponent’s card sleeves. The judge may disallow the
card sleeves if he or she believes they are marked, worn, or otherwise in a condition or of a design that interferes
with shuffling or game play. In the interest of efficiency, the judge may choose to delay any change of sleeves
until the end of the match.
Competitive and Professional REL tournaments impose additional restrictions on sleeves. Highly reflective backs
are not allowed. Sleeves with hologram patterns across some or all of the sleeve front or back are not allowed.
Sleeves with artwork on their backs may be subjected to additional scrutiny, especially if there is no solid border
around the edges.
When using sleeves on double-faced cards, sleeves must be completely opaque.
The Head Judge is the final authority on what sleeves are allowed.
문장이 잘 해석이 안되네요. 특히 "Sleeves with artwork on their backs may be subjected to additional scrutiny, especially if there is no solid border around the edges." 부분 때문에 그러는데요,
이게 만약에 이런식으로 옆에 보더가 solid 하지 않다면 원천적으로 경쟁 REL 이상에서는 이런 슬리브는 불허가 된다는 뜻인가요? 제가 해석한게 맞는지 잘 모르겠습니다.
첫댓글 '무조건 불허'라는 내용은 아닙니다.
Sleeves with artwork on their backs may be subjected to additional scrutiny, especially if there is no solid border around the edges.
추가적인 조사(scrunity)가 들어갈 가능성이 있다는 것이죠. 올려주신 부분을 보셔도 아시겠지만 결국 슬리브 허용에 관련된 것은 주심(Head judge)에게 권한이 (주심...에게 거의 대부분에 권한이 물론 있습니다만;;) 있습니다. 이 슬리브를 보고 괜찮다라고 생각하면 허용할 것이고, 표시가 된다고 보이거나 기타 등등의 이유로 허용을 안해줄 수도 있겠죠. 무조건 저런 패턴이 있다고 해서 '불허'는 아닙니다. :)