Believe me!
We must recognize their honesty and give them a credit!
1. Their god is not the True God because they claim their god is the son of the Queen of Heaven which is devil! Because they insist their Mary is the mother of God and Mary is Queen of Heaven the devil condemned by Jeremiah (7:18, 44:17-25)
2. They confess they will go to the Purgatory after death while we Christian believers go to the Paradise as the robber on the cross went to right away after the death ( Luke 23:43) RCC Catechism 1030 confirms this.
3. Their holy father is Pope, Our Holy Father is God the Father. RCC holy papa dies, dies, dies, Our Holy Father never dies!
4. They insist that they are cursed to be cut off from the people of God because they confess that they drink the blood of Jesus at the Eucharists. Leviticus 17:11-14 condemns anyone drinking any sort of blood will be cursed to be cut off from the people of God.
5. Their god is the son of a creature because they call Mary the mother of God which means their god is son of Mary, the creature, Our God is the Creator of all universe and Mary,
6. Their salvation, their Being Born again is water baptism which is unbeliever’s baptism.
Our salvation is Being Born Again by the Holy Spirit. Thereafter we baptize the Born-Again Believers,
7. RCC is built upon Peter and the Apostles Tradition.
Our true Church is built upon Jesus Christ, the eternal Rock and eternal salvation, Eternal Life. ( 1 Cor 3:11-14, 1 Cor 10:4, Mt 16:18)
Their foundation - Peter and Apostles-, has become skeletons and skulls.
8. RCC claims that their intercessor is Mary, while our intercessor is the Holy Spirit ( Romans 8:26). Mary is dead and sleeping until the resurrection and therefore she can never hear anything for intercession.
9. RCC insists that Mary never consummated the marriage and never did her duty for Joseph as mentioned in 1 Cor 7:3. Their Mary is the violator of Words of God.
10. RCC claims Mary had no other children than Jesus. RCC denies Mary mother of James and Jose ( Mt 27:56) is the Mary, mother of Jesus, which means Matthew, Mark, Luke 3 Gospel writers ignored Mary on the most important scenes of human history, Crucifixion and Resurrection. They insist that Mary was one of the other et cetera women. So, They insist that Mary can be ignored and deleted in the important reports even though she is mother of god and queen of heaven.
11. RCC prays in front of statues of Mary, statues of Joseph, or statues of Jesus which can be broken and destroyed, can hear nothing, cannot see anything!
Thereby they prove their god is the idols.
12. They perform the Unbelievers baptism like infant baptism.
By doing so, RCC brings billions of unbelievers into the Christendom and thereby RCC is full of Unbelievers!
13. RCC confess their sins to the human priests, not to the God the Father ( 1 John 1:9)
They avoid the confession of their sins to the God the Father by doing so!
If they truly confess their sins to God the Father, they don’t need to pray to the priests!
14. At the Eucharist, they ask their god to forgive their sins every day, by lifting up the wafers and the chalice because they don't believe all the sins were already forgiven at the Cross.
We don’t ask our God for the forgiveness but give thanks to God for what Jesus Christ has done already at the Cross with His own Blood and that our sins were already forgiven. When we discover our own sins in daily life, we confess it to God and give thanks to Him for that even such sins were already forgiven on the Cross, In this way, we confirm the Redemption on the Cross everyday and give thanks to God and Lord Jesus Christ. RCC confirms every day that their sins were not forgiven yet, and never bring the answer from the God,
15. RCC has the HQ in Vatican, our HQ is in the Heaven, The head of RCC is the Pope, but the Head of all our churches is Lord Jesus Christ, King of Kings.
There are many more dogmas and practices of RCC which admit they are pagan but this is good enough for now.
March 24, 2024
첫댓글 What means RCC?
RCC means Roman Catholic Church. Sometimes we joke Roman Comedy Church!
Oh, I see !