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Career Report
1. Having heard that it was nurses that had first played the role of flight attendants aboard the airplane, I got into
Department of Nursery at college. ('생각 끝에'라는 말은 여기에서 번역할 필요가 없읍니다. 그렇게 될 경우 문장이 너무
길어져서 읽는 사람들이 피로를 느낄 수 있읍니다. 즉 한국식 언어표현을 있는 그대로 영어로 직역할 필요가 없읍니다.)
While at college, I learned theories on the science of nursery and at the same time could practice on nursery.
2. After graduation, I entered one semi-general hospital in DaeGu city and there I practiced further on patient-oriented
nursery service for one year. I was, later, expatriated to Egypt, which was a good opportunity for me to learn the
nursery science abroad and could render charitable nursery services to the patients in that country.
('and there' 는 'where' 로 옮길 수 있지만 문장의 흐름을 위해 일부러 and there로 옮겼읍니다.)
3. Based on the aforesaid careers, I entered Qatar Air and there I had worked for more than five years as a flight attendant.
While I was in Qatar Air, I studied again, for myself, for BA degree of nursery and recently I attained the self-taught BA
degree which is certified the same as that issued by an authentic college.