1. 반복적인 집적거림 *성희롱 rep__ted __vances
2. 머리에 지속적으로 가해지는 충격 rep__ted b__ws to the head = rep__ted h_ts to the head
3. 내 질문을 다시 한번 풀어서 하다 reph__se my question
4. 시간되시는대로 빨리 답변해 주세요 reply to me your __rliest conve__ence
5. 위트있는 멘트로 응대하고 너무 기분나빠하지 마라 reply with wit__ remark and not to take it se__ously
6. 보호자가 없는 아이들을 경찰에 알리다, 신고하다 report unatt__ded children
7. 공화당의 텃밭 Republican's home t_rf
8. 혐오스러운 rep_gant
9. 그에게 대출을 요청하다, 그에게 돈을 빌려달라고 요청하다 request him __ a loan = request a loan ____ him
첫댓글 1. repeated advance
2. repeated blows to the head = repeated hits to the head
3. rephrase my question
4. reply your earliest convenience
5. reply with a witty remark and not to take it seriously
6. report an attended children
7. Republican's home turf
8. repugnant
9. request him of a loan = request a loan from him