Year 3 Production - Escape From Pompeii
On the final week of Term 2, the Year 3 students put on an amazing show called 'Escape from Pompeii'! Their teachers wrote a performance to bring together the students' learning from their IPC topic 'Active Planet' and their English reading and writing about Pompeii. The students showcased their skills with expressiveness, adaptability, and resilience, conveying a story about the destruction of Pompeii after the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius. It was a dazzling display of all their learning this term. They showed such confidence and a pure love of being on stage. Explosive!
3학년 학생들이 텀2의 마지막 주에 'Escape from Pompeiii'란 주제로 배웠습니다. 학생들은 폼페이에 관해 책을 읽고 쓰고...그 당시의 의상들을 입고 많은 생각을 하는 계기를 만들어 주었답니다.