- 윈터그린, Wintergreen
. 학명; Gaultheria procumbens
. 개요; 북미 중동부 원산의 상록관목
. 효능; 진통제, 수렴제, 구풍제, 이뇨제, 흥분제.
. 사용법; 우리거나 팅크로, 찜질이나 양치
1 학명과 약용부위
- 학명; Gaultheria procumbens
- 약용부위
. Leaves.
. 잎
2 통명
- 영어; Canada tea, checkerberry, deerberry, ground berry, hillberry, mountain tea, partridge berry, spiceberry, spicy wintergreen, spring wintergreen, wax cluster.
- 한글; 윈터그린
3 개요
- 북미 중동부 원산의 상록관목
. 숲과 공터에서 자생
- 줄기; 8센티내외의 높이로 기는 줄기에서 가지형성
. 잎; 번갈아나는 타원형으로 성장
- 꽃; 7월경 잎과 함께 한송이씩 백색으로 개화
. 열매; 1센티내외의 지름인 진홍색으로 성숙
Wintergreen is a native North American evergreen shrub which grows in woods and clearings from Newfoundland to Manitoba and south to Georgia, Michigan, and Indiana, The creeping stems send up erect branches, 2 to 6 inches high, which bear alternate, oval, leathery leaves with serrate and sometimes bristly margins. Both the leaves and the solitary, nodding white flowers grow near the top of the branches, Flowering time is from May to September. The fruit is a scarlet, berrylike capsule about 1/3 inch across.
4 효능
- 진통제, 수렴제, 구풍제, 이뇨제, 흥분제.
. 잎을 증류해서 얻는 오일로 사용
- 두통, 염증, 류머티즘; 메틸 살리실레이트
. 요로질환, 배앓이, 헛배부름도 개선
- 잎차; 인후통증용 양치
. 백혈구 및 피부질환, 염증용 찜질
- 관절통증; 오일을 천에 발라 적용
. 자극유발가능하므로 주의
Analgesic, astringent, carminative, diuretic, stimulant. The medicinal virtues of wintergreen leaves reside essentially in the oil of wintergreen which can be obtained by steam distillation. The oil consistes mostly of methyl salicylate, a close relative of aspirin, Not surprisingly, then the leaves have long been used for headache and other aches and pains inflammations and rheumatism. They have also been recommended for urinary ailments and for colic and flatulence. Externally a leaf tea can be used as a gargle for sore mouth and throat, as a douche for leucorrhea, and as a compress or poultice for skin diseases and inflammations. A cloth soaked with oil of wintergreen has been applied to relieve pain in joints but the pure oil can cause irritation and must be used cautiously.
5 사용법
- 가을에 채취하여 사용
- 우리기; 물1컵에 1티스푼
. 하루 1컵 한모금씩 음용
- 팅크; 5-15방울 복용
Collect leaves in the fall.
Infusion; Steep 1 tsp. leaves in 1 cup water. Take 1 cup a day, a mouthful at a time.
Tincture; A dose is from 5 to 15 drops.