1. expect vt. ~을 기대하다, 예상하다, 기다리다
We expect you to provide a justification of your actions.
-justification n. 정당화, 변명(U)
위 문장에서 expect가 5형식으로 쓰였고 보어자리에 to부정사가 주로 온다는 것을 이해해야해요.
We didn't expect many people at the party, but they just kept (3형식)
rolling in.
-roll in 많이 모이다.
*expect A to A가 ∼할 것으로 예상하다 (~ + O +to do)
We expect 200 members of the society to be present.
It's unreasonable to expect me to work ten hours a day
without a break.
-unreasonable a. 이성적이지 않은
vi. <구어> (진행형으로) 임신 중이다
My wife is expecting a baby. ( 이문장은 타동사로 쓰인건데 )
vi.(아마 그럴 것이라고)생각하다.
On the average, you can expect about a 10 percent failure.
-average n.평균/표준(U,C) a.평균의 보통의
vt.평균하다 vi.평균하면~이다
-failure n.실패/실수(U),부족(U,C)
*expect A back A가 돌아올 것을 예상하다
I expect him back. (이것도 타동사)
When do you expect Ms. Greene back?
expectation n.예상, 기대 (U)
She was constantly in expectation of being arrested.
-constantly ad. 항상, 끊임없는 -arrest vt. 체포하다 n.체포
*against (contrary to) 예상과 달리
Against my expectation, he lost the game.
Contrary to expectations, the file was an instant success.
-instant a.즉각적인 n. 즉시 , 인스턴트식품(U)
*beyond(below) expectation 기대 이상으로
He was delighted beyond expectation.
expectant a.기대하는, 기다리는
Everyone is listening, with big expectant smiles.
Melancholy now, he continues forward through the
crowded airport and the expectant faces of those waiting
for loved ones. -forward ad. 앞으로
*an expectant mother 임신부
that an expectant mother probably does require food and
health care for the developing embryo in order to produce
children of high intelligence.
-embryo n.태아 -intelligence n.지능(U)
-in order to ~하기 위하여
expectantly ad. 기대하여
If you wait expectantly for questions and dutifully answer
them, you have done nothing to distinguish yourself from
hundreds of others who may be applying for the position.
-dutifully a.착실한 -distinguish vt. vi. 구별하다
2.dress n. a. v
n. 의복, 옷 (U)
She's wearing the dress that was a little too big last fall
but now fits perfectly.
She is wearing her best dress with a little lace.
a. 드레스의 , 예복용의
a dress dinner 공식 만찬 모임
vt.~에게 옷을 입히다, 옷을 차려입다
She dressed very much.
vi. 옷을 입다, 옷차림을 하다
*be dressed up 옷을 잘 차려 입다.
When I first met Lennox Lewis, he was dressed up as Father
They were dressed up in brightly colored national costume.
-brightly ad.밝게
*dress oneself 옷을 입다.
I dressed myself in short order.
-in short order 재빨리, 신속히
3. formally ad. 정식으로, 형식적으로
they are both formally and semantically definable.
-semantically ad. 의미상, 의미론적으로 -definable a.정의할 수 있는
formalize vt. ~을 정식의 것으로 하다, 격식을 갖추게 하다, 공인[승인]하다.
We will attempt to flesh out and formalize this idea next.
- attempt vt. 시도하다, 기도하다 n.시도, 기도
- flesh out vt.내용을 충실하게 하다,실험해 보다 vi.살찌다,뚱뚱해지다
vi형식적이다, 형식적으로 행동하다, 격식을 차리다.
formal a.형식적인, 표면적인
His politeness is merely formal.
-politeness[pláitnis] n. 공손[정중]함, 우아[고상]함 (U)
a. 정식용의, 정장을 요하는
Formal dress must be worn.
a.예절의, 의례적인, 형식에 치우친
Family photography become less formal.
a.정식의, 정규의
Every though it wasn't a formal wedding we'd very much like
to give you a present.
How about in a formal business setting, where getting names
right is crucial for future transactions.
-crucial a.결정적인,중대한
-transaction n.처리(U),업무,거래,화해(U,C)
*go formal 정장[야회복] 차림을 하다[으로 가다].
n.정식 무도회, (여성의)야회복
formality n.형식에 구애됨 (U), 형식적임,
Look, Detective. I think we can dispense with the formalities.
-dispense with ~없이 해내다. -Detective n.탐정, 형사 a. 탐정의
Americans are not known for their formality
n. 정식절차, 본식 (보통 -ties)
There was little time for formalities.
He goes throfgdugh due formalities <정식 수속을 밟다>
4. executive n.(경영)간부, 임원
She is now a senior executive, having worked her way
through the company.
-senior a.손위의, 선배의, 선임의 -through prep.동안 내내
-work one's way 애써 나아가다
In a good year, a top executive’s bonus can outstrip
his annual salary.
-outstrip vt. 따라가 앞서다, 능가하다, 초과하다
-annual a.1년의 , 해마다의 -salary n.봉급, 급료
a. 실행상의, 실행력이 있는
He has executive talent
execute vt.(계획 등을)수행하다, 성취하다, 완수하다, 실행하다
You will need various talents to execute the business recovery
plan effectively.
-recovery n.회복(U,C) -effectively ad.효과적으로
john makes the plans and Dick executes them.
Now that we have approval, we execute the scheme
as previously agreed.
-scheme n.계획, 조직, 음모 vt. 계획하다, 모의하다
-previously ad. 이전에, 미리
-agree vi. vt. 합의에 도달하다, 동의하다, 의견이 일치하다
vt. 사형을 집행하다, 처형하다
All of them executed for treason.
-treason n.(U)반역죄, 배신, 불신
Over then years Nazi officials executed many people by
shooting them.
-officials n.공무원, 관리, 공인 a.공의, 공무상의, 관직에 있는
vt.【컴퓨터】 (프로그램 명령 등을) 실행하다
To start the installation procedure, you just have to execute
the Setup program
-installation n.설치/설비(U), (설비된) 시설/장치(C)
-procedure n.(U,C)진행, 절차
Will start to execute the program starting at the lowest
statement number.
-statement n. 명령문, 진술(U,C) ,진술서
execution n.(U)실행, 집행
This plan is ripe for execution.
-ripe a.익은, 기회가 무르익은(~for), 준비가 된
This experiment was elegant in design, and precise
in its execution.
-experiment n.실험, 실험장치 -elegant a.우아한, 고상한
-design n.디자인(U,C), 설계/기획(U) -precise a. 정확한
We immediately knew what was needed, but the difficulty would
be in the execution.
n.(U)강제 집행[처분], 사형 집행, 처형
It shows the prisoner camps that become places of execution.
-prisoner n.죄수
n.(U) (미술 작품의)제작, 수법, (배우의) 연기,【음악】연주, 연주 솜씨
I believe that the execution and realization of the addition and
the renovation of the Frank Lloyd Wright building has given
something back to architecture.
-realization n.(U,C) 실현, 구현, 사실이라고 생각함
-addition n.부가(U), 부가물, 증축
-renovation n.(U,C) 수선, 수리, 혁신
executively ad.실행상으로, 행정상으로
5. provide vt. 공급하다, 제공하다
*provide A(상대) with B(제공물품) A에게 B를 제공하다.
He provided her with food, clothing and shelter.
-shelter n.피난처 vt.보호하다,~에게 피난처를 제공하다 vi.피난하다, 숨다
She has provided us with the first socialist critique of
current economic policy.
The school is now providing a service to counsel students with
drug problems.
*provide A to B A를 B에게 제공하다.
These untrained agents cannot provide good service to their
-agent n.대리인, 직원
The cease-fire will only provide a temporary solution to the crisis.
-cease-fire [sísfái] n.휴전 -temporary a.일시적인, 잠시의
-crisis n.위기
vt.준비하다, 대비하다
Other reunions provide their own entertainment.
-reunion n.재결합(U), 재회/화해(U), 동창회(C), 친목회
vi. (장래에 대비하여) 준비하다, 대비하다
We must provide for old age.
He has a large family to provide for.
provision n.조항, 규정
There were also special provisions for those who worked unsocial
An amendment would bar the pres-ident from carrying out the
treaty's provisions.
-amendment n.(U,C)개정 -bar vt. 금하다, 제외하다, 막다
-treaty n.조약, 협정
n. 공급, 지급, 제공
Let's now turn to Councilman Moore's question about the
provision of services for the elderly.
n.(U)준비, 예비
He made provision for his children's education.
n.식량, 양식
All provisions for the camp have to be flown in by helicopter.
The provisions will suffice for a month.
-suffice vi.충분하다 vt.만족시키다, 필요를 충족시키다
provident a.선견지명이 있는, 신중한, 조심스러운 ,절약하는
providently ad. 선경지명이 있어, 조심성 있게, 신중하게
장점 - 이 노트는 아주 상세한 단어내용들이 참 잘되어 있다.
단점 - 노트의 단어들이 한눈에 들어 오지 않는다.
개선점 - 예문안의 단어들은 꼭 뜻을 바로 아래에 정리하지 말고
따로 암기하거나, 정리해둔다.
아무래도 어휘노트니까 목표언어만 눈에 보이도록 정리해야지 자칫
산만해져서 다 들어 오지 않을 수 있죠.
예를 들어 provide하는데 agent, crisis, temporary가 거기에 같이
정리 되면, 좀 산만해지죠.
그래도 처음하는 노트답지 않게 참 잘한거에요~! 꾸준히 노력하세요~!
첫댓글 네//그렇게 할께요~감사합니다^-^