The Barbie doll is one of the most successful toys
history. It was launched in 1959 by the
U.S. toy manufacturer Mattel. It has since become a cultural icon. American
businesswoman Ruth Handler came up with the idea of
an adult doll for small girls after seeing her daughter dressing up
dolls. The name ‘Barbie’ comes from Handler’s own daughter
Barbara. Over 350,000 dolls were sold in the first year. Over a billion Barbies have been
sold since. Clever marketing means toy execs keep Barbie up with the
times. They adjust to every cultural
challenge and change. Her waist was recently widened to avoid
stereotypes that women must be thin. She also sports a tattoo on her
back. Sales are also boosted by a range of
pets, cars and accessories – everything the young woman might
* in history = 역사상/ launch = (상품을)
출시(출간)하다/ cultural icon = 문화적 아이콘/ come up with ~ = ~을 제시(제안)하다/ dress sth up =
~을 꾸미다/ paper doll = 종이 인형/ billion = 10억/ keep up with the times = 시대(현실)에
발맞추다/ adjust to ~ = ~에 적응하다/ widen = 넓어지다; 넓히다/ sport = 자랑스러베 보이다(입다)/ boost =
신장시키다, 북돋우다
-> Over 350,000 dolls were sold in the first year. Over a
Barbies have been sold since.
* billion =
* 현재완료 (have + pp) - 계속적 용법
for ~나
since ~ 등과 같이 기간을 나타내는 말과 함께 쓰여 과거 어느 시점에서부터 현재까지의
동작이나 상태의 계속을 뜻한다.
I have lived here since 1990. (1990년 이후로 줄곧 여기서 살아왔다.)
have known him since he was a
mere boy. (우리는 그를 아주 어릴 때부터 알고 있다.)
They have been married for five years. (그들은 결혼한 지 5년이 되었다.)
* Examples
1. 완료
부사 just, already, yet 등과 함께 쓰여 동작의 완료를 뜻한다.
They have just returned
home. (그들은 방금 집에 돌아왔다.)
2. 경험
부사 ever, never, once, twice, often 등과
함께 쓰여 현재까지 경험해 본 일을 나타낸다.
Have you ever seen a giraffe? (기린을 본 적이 있습니까?)
for ~나 since ~ 등과 같이 기간을 나타내는 말과 함께 쓰여
과거 어느 시점에서부터 현재까지의 동작이나 상태의
계속을 뜻한다.
I have lived
here since 1990. (1990년 이후로 줄곧 여기서 살아왔다.)
4. 결과
과거에 행한 동작의 결과가 현재에
나타나고 있음을 뜻한다.
Someone has
broken the window. (누군가가 창문을 깼다.) [그래서 현재 창문이 깨져
(Company) Barbie.mp3