the (Full) Moon
Today again
The Moon in the yard of my house
Caught on the persimmon branch
When the wind blows
Perhaps difficult to get out
Struggling barely got out
Walking there
and the Sky
Yesterday too
Hanging on the persimmon branch
Having a hard time getting out
The Full Moon in the pine branch
Of the mountain in front
Coming down sitting down
Little brothers in a hare’s family with a worry
Not able to sleep
With a heart of hope though
When it snowed heavily a few days ago
To get some food
Going down to the village
Still not coming back the Mom rabbit
Just now,
Asking pitifully to the Full Moon.
Daring not to
Not able to give a little word
Her face turning red.
오늘도 우리 집 마당
감나무 가지에
달이 걸렸어요.
바람이 불어
빠져 나가기가 힘이 드는지
겨우 빠져 나가
하늘을 가고 있어요.
감나무 가지에 걸려
빠져 나가느라 애를 먹더니‧‧‧‧‧‧
앞산 솔가지에
보름달이 내려와
걸터앉아 있다.
산토끼네 어린 형제들
잠 못 이루고
행여나 하는 마음으로
며칠 전 눈이 몹시 내린 날
먹이를 구하러
마을로 내려가서는
여태 돌아오지 않고 있는
엄마 토끼에 대해
애처로이 물어 보고 있다.
보름달은 차마
답을 주지 못하고
얼굴이 벌개지고 있다.
Appreciation Review 感想
It’s poetry with the same title and/or subject matter, but it gives me some mysterious feelings in a somewhat different way.
For the first poem, the poet portrays a picture of the moon struggling on the persimmon tree branch in a somewhat humorous way. The moon hangs on the branch of the persimmon tree while struggling to get out every day. It's mysteriously fun & great because I can see clearly how the moon is struggling with the persimmon tree branch yesterday and today.
In the second poem, a rabbit appears. The mom rabbit goes out to get some food, but she doesn't come back home. The story seems rather worrying and sad. In the meantime, the Moon cannot answer the question of why the mom rabbit doesn't come back. The full moon’s face turns red pitifully & mysteriously.
Just for reference, I’d like to add a couple of traditional songs about the moon, rabbit, and cassia tree that I’ve got from the Knowledge Encyclopedia.
A song for children by Geuk-yeong Yoon
In a white boat in the Milky Way with a blue sky
There are a cassia tree and a rabbit
Cheongyang local folk song full of filial duty
I want to chop down the cassia tree stuck in the moon with a jade ax, trim it with a gold ax, build a thatched-roof house, and live with my parents for thousands and thousands of years.
#humorous #pitiful #full moon
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