<25> 化無所化
Section ⅩⅩⅤ. The Illusion of Ego
Subhuti, what do you think? Let no one say the Tathagata cherishes the idea: I must liberate all living beings. Allow no such thought, Subhuti. Wherefore? Because in reality there are no living beings to be liberated by the Tathagata. If there were living beings for the Tathagata to liberate, He would partake in the idea of selfhood, personality entity, and separate individuality. Subhuti, though the common people accept egoity as real, the Tathagata declares that ego is not different from non-ego. Subhuti, whom the Tathagata referred to as "common people" are not really common people; such is merely a name.
제 25 · 화무소화化無所化 | 교화하여도 교화함이 없으니
Chapter 25. No beings Saved
"Subhuti, what do you think? You should not say that the Tathagata thinks : 'I ought to save and cross all the sentient beings' to the other shore. Don't think like that Subhuti. Why? In reality, there are no sentient beings to be saved and to be crossed by the Tathagata. If there were any sentient beings that the Tathagata thought to save and cross, the Tathagata would have ideas of a self, a person, a sentient-being, or a life-span." "Subhuti, what the Tathagata says is 'a being of self' [유아(有我)], is 'not a being of self' [비유아(非有我)]. It becomes 'the being of self' to ordinary people." "Subhuti, the Tathagata says that ordinary people are not ordinary people. They are just called ordinary people."
Section 25: Transformations are not transformations
“Subhūti, what do you think? You should not say that it occurs to the Tathāgata, ‘I will cross over sentient beings.’ Subhūti, do not compose this thought. Why? Truly there are no sentient beings crossed over by the Tathāgata. If there were sentient beings crossed over by the Tathāgata, then there would be a self, a person, a being, and a life. The existence of a self that the Tathāgata speaks of is not the existence of a self, but ordinary people believe it is a self. Subhūti, an ordinary person that the Tathāgata speaks of is not an ordinary person.
Chapter 25.
"Subhuti, do not say that the Buddha has the idea, 'I will lead all sentient beings to Nirvana.' Do not think that way, Subhuti. Why? In truth there is not one single being for the Buddha to lead to Enlightenment. If the Buddha were to think there was, he would be caught in the idea of a self, a person, a living being, or a universal self. Subhuti, what the Buddha calls a self essentially has no self in the way that ordinary persons think there is a self. Subhuti, the Buddha does not regard anyone as an ordinary person. That is why he can speak of them as ordinary persons."
제25 교화해도 한 것 없다
“수보리야, 너는 어떻게 생각하느냐. 너희들은 여래가 생각하기를 ‘내가 마땅히 중생을 제도하리라.’ 한다고 말하지 말라. 수보리야, 이런 생각을 하지 말라. 왜 그러냐 하면 실로 여래에게는 제도할 중생이 없기 때문이니, 만약 여래가 제도함이 있다면 여래는 곧 [나라는 생각] [남이라는 생각] [중생이라는 생각] [오래 산다는 생각]이 있는 것이기 때문이니라. 수보리야, 여래가 [나라는 생각]이 있다 함은 곧 나라는 생각이 있는 것이 아님을 말하는 것인데 범부들이 나라는 생각이 있다고 말할 뿐이니라. 수보리야, 범부라는 말도 여래는 곧 범부가 아님을 가르키는 말이니 그 이름이 범부일 따름이니라.”
25. 분별없는 교화(敎化)
“수보리여! 그대 생각은 어떠한가? 그대들은 여래가 '나는 중생을 제도하리라.'는 생각을 한다고 말하지 말라. 수보리여! 이런 생각을 하지 말라. 왜냐하면 여래가 제도한 중생이 실제로 없기 때문이다. 만일 여래가 제도한 중생이 있다면, 여래에게도 자아, 개아, 중생, 영혼이 있다는 집착이 있는 것이다. 수보리여! 자아가 있다는 집착은 자아가 있다는 집착이 아니라고 여래는 설하였다. 그렇지만 범부(凡夫)들이 차아가 있다고 집착한다, 수보리여! 범부라는 것도 여래는 범부가 아니라고 설하였다.”