2024년 자우스님과 함께하는 신나는 영어담마캠프 친구들~~
캠프가 점점 다가오고 있어요. 즐겁고 재미있는 캠프를 위해 캠프 노래에 맞추어 선생님들이 만든 율동을 연습해 보아요.
팀별로 할 예정이니 걱정하지 말고 편하게 율동을 익혀보세요. 그래야 우리팀에 점수가 올라가거든요.
We’re going to the camp
to learn the Buddha’s ways.
Going to the camp
to have some happy days.
Going to the camp
to see our friends and play
At Jawoo’s Summer Dharma Camp.
Come on Come on Please be with us.
Enjoy enjoy the fun and games with us.
Try try to be a Buddhist too.
Everyyear let’s come together.
We’re going to the camp
to learn the Buddha’s ways.
Going to the camp
to have some happy days.
Going to the camp
to see our friends and play
At Jawoo’s Summer Dharma Camp.
(At Jawoo’s Summer Dharma Camp!)