Withdrawal Policy 회수(탈퇴) 정책
Parents/guardians of students who intend to leave Pelita International School will have to submit the withdrawal form and give a full term’s notice.
펠리타 국제학교를 졸업하려는 학생의 학부모/보호자는 탈퇴 양식을 제출하고 학기 전에 통지해야 합니다.
Under our latest policy starting from July 2024. the withdrawal form must be submitted to the school office by the last school day of the previous term for withdrawal after the next term. Failure to give written notice by the stated deadline results in the forfeiture of the entire deposit.
2024년 7월부터 시작되는 최신 정책에 따라 다음 학기 이후 출금을 위해 이전 학기 마지막 수업일까지 출금 양식을 학교 사무실에 제출해야 합니다. 명시된 기한까지 서면 통지를 하지 않으면 보증금 전액이 몰수됩니다.
The final dates for submission of withdrawal forms are therefore as follows: 따라서 출금 양식 제출 최종 날짜는 다음과 같습니다:
- 18 July 2024 (for withdrawal after Term 1 2024/2025, if the student is not returning on 6 January 2025)
- 13 December 2024 (for withdrawal after Term 2 2024/2025, if the student is not returning on 14 April 2025)
- 28 March 2025 (for withdrawal after Term 3 2024/2025, if the student is not returning on 1 September 2025)
Refund of Deposit
The refund of deposit will be made within the last week of the last school term that the student attends.