Hello everyone. Thank you for your attending. My name is Lee Yu-jin and I’m majoring in home economics education. Nowadays, the weather is getting(gets) warmer. In addition, many flowers ready to bloom and many trees change more blue.
What do you think about a symbol of spring among flowers? In Korea, many people consider that a symbol of spring is the golden-bell tree. So we can easily see the golden-bell tree(개나리) in our university. The color of our nation is yellow during the springtime. On the other hand, Japanese think that the color of spring is yellow in Japan. Therefore many Japanese like cherry blossom. So now I’ll tell you about cherry blossom(벚꽃).
First of all, I’ll introduce the cherry blossom briefly.
Cherry blossom blooms on April and May. The height of that is about 20m and white and pink flower bloom with leaves at that time. Then the fruit which is called cherry(버찌)ripe from red color to dark color on June and July. Korea also has object about ten sorts. Some of the people eat that fruit and a bark of a tree is uses medicine. It is used medicine through a stem and a fruit, like a pain-killing drug(진통제), a cough medicine(해수약), inflammation of the heart(심장병), fatigue recovery(피로회복), a toothache(치통), leucorrhea(대하증) and so on. And cherry blossom is distributed(분포하다) through Korea, China, Japan and so on. The flower language of cherry blossom is bind(결박) and a spiritual beauty.
Next I’ll tell you about legend. It is also very simple.
There are two people. The first person is 오오야마 즈미고토. He is the god of mountain of cherry blossom legend. The second person is 구사노 히메고토. She is the god of field. And they have a daughter. Her name is 꾸야히에노미꼬토. Before she got married 니니기노미꼬토, she lives a royal place of flower. Once a day, she went to 후지 mountain to keep her father’s order. She climbed the mountaintop and sowed seeds. Then many cherry blossoms bloomed like fog.
Lastly, I’ll give you information about a cherry-blossom viewing party(벚꽃축제) in Korea.
Our nation has a lot of cherry blossom festival. The most famous thing is the 여의도 festival. In case of 여의도, that festival is opened from today and finish 15th April. The length of that place is totally about 7kilometers. Every year, many people take part in that festival. I think that festival is good for many couples.
The other festival is 진해 군항 festival. This festival is held in 진해 and now it is being opened in 진해. It has a lot of cherry blossom tunnel and events. Especially, 진해 is famous for the Naval Academy (해군사관학교). We can see turtle ship(거북선) and many remains of 이순신.
In addition, there are many festival like 제주 왕벚꽃 축제, 청평호반 축제, 마이산 축제, 호암 미술관 축제, 남산축제, 경포대 축제, 군산 축제 and so on.
If you have a spare time, you may as well go to the cherry-blossom viewing party anywhere. I think we’d better spend on our springtime with a cherry-blossom viewing party. Maybe, it will be good for you, I think.
That’s all I prepared. Thank you for your listening.