- 소리쟁이, Yellow dock
. 학명; Rumex crispus / aquaticus
. 개요; 북반부원산의 다년생 식물
. 효능; 수렴제, 담즙촉진제, 강장제.
. 사용법; 다리거나 파우더로, 연고로
1 학명과 약용부위
- 학명; Rumex crispus / aquaticus
- 약용부위
. The root.
. 뿌리
2 통명
- 영어; Curled dock, garden patience, narrow dock, sour dock, rumex / Water dock
- 한글; 송구지, 패독채
3 개요
- 북반부원산의 다년생 식물
. 들판과 황무지에서 자생
- 줄기; 60센티내외의 매끄럽고 가느다랗게 성장
. 잎; 피침형의 연녹색으로 형성
- 꽃; 6월에 수많은 연녹색의 원추형 총상화로 개화
. 열매; 뽀족하고 3각인 심장형으로 성숙
Yellow dock is a perennial plant found as a troublesome weed in fields and waste places in Europe, the U.S. and southern Canada. Its spindle shaped, yellow taproot sends up a smooth rather slender stem, 1 to 3 feet high. Lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate in shape, the pointed light green leaves have predominantly wavy margins. The lower leaves are larger and longer petioled than the upper. Blooming from June to July, the numerous pale green, drooping flowers are loosely whorled in panicled racemes. The fruit is a pointed, three-angled and heart shaped nut.
4 효능
- 수렴제, 담즙촉진제, 강장제.
. 고대부터 완화제와 약한 수렴강장제로 이용
- 혈액정화제로 19세기에 활용
. 음창과 같은 발진성 질환과 피부문제 개선
- 연고; 가려움증, 궤양, 부기 및 딱지 발진에 처방
. 북미원주민; 잎을 으깨 종기에 바르고
뿌리를 분쇄하여 절단상처에 적용
- 워터도크; 위장제로 사용추가
. 다려서 하루 3번 와인잔으로 음용
Astringent, cholagogue, tonic. Known as a medicinal plant since ancient times, yellow dock has been used as a laxative or mild astringent tonic. In the nineteenth century, it was considered a blood purifier and was prescribed for eruptive diseases, such as scrofula, and skin problems. The ointment is valuable for itching, sores, swellings, and scabby eruptions. American Indians applied crushed yellow dock leaves to boils and the pulverized roots to cuts. Water dock has similar medicinal uses except that it is also used for stomach problems. A wineglassful of the decoction taken three time a day has been recommended for stomach ailments.
5 사용법
- 다리기
. 소리쟁이; 물1컵에 1티스푼. 하루 1-2컵 음용
. 워터도크; 물1.5리터에 2소주잔. 하루 3회 음용
- 파우더; 피부문제에 12개 복용
. Yellow dock; Boil 1 tsp. root in 1 cup water. Take 1 to 2 cups a day.
. Water dock; Boil 2 oz. root in 3 pints water. Take 3 times a day.
Powder; For skin problems the dose is 12 grains.