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…… 프리토크 스크랩 외국인에게 고스톱게임요령 설명하기
김정우 슛 뻥 헉 300미터상공. 추천 0 조회 73 11.03.02 18:19 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용

최근에 공항 바닥에 자리를 깔고 고스톱을 치던 외국녀들의 사진이 인터넷 게시판에  떳더군요.

그래서 한동안 심취하여 만들어 두었던 내용을 사사로이 회사 자유소리에 올려 봅니다.

시작은 자장면과 스타크래프트를 동시에 할 수 있는 나라를 찾아 한국에 온 동생의 친구 제레미를 위해서였습니다. 이 친구는 콜롬비아대와 미국수학경시대회 AMC의 18위를 했던 친구입니다.



외국인들에게 고스톱을 한번 가르쳐 보시라. 일타 삼피(친목도모 + 한국문화소개 + 어학향상)의

효과를 느낄 것이다. !!

 그까이꺼 함 해보지


우리나라 사람은 셋만 앉았다 하면 벌리는 판이 고스톱이니 이보다 더 없이 좋은 놀이 문화는 없을 것이라고 생각하였다.   

 외국에서도 고스톱과 비슷한 유형의 포커게임은  널리 알려진 놀이문화 이지만 우리나라 정서를 알기에는 어딘가 수상쩍은 놀이이지요.우리네 된장국과는 맞지 않은 듯한...참고로 저는 포커를 몰라요~!!

하지만 도박을 꽤 좋아라 하는 J양... 시시해서 몇 번 해 보다가 그만두었지요. .

그래서  나름 재미 있을 것도 같고, 인터넷에 돌아다니면 화투를 설명한 영어버젼이 없겠느냐 싶어서

 시작하였으나 이게 재앙의 시작이었으니...



 목마른 놈이 우물을 파다

 어설픈 완벽주의자 J양, 하루 왠종일 인터넷을 돌아다녔건만 올라온 자료들이 영 마뜩찮다. 너무 간단한

 룰만 설명 했다던지, 내가 이해할 수 없는 영작으로 되어있어서 한참을 고민하다가 목마른 놈이 우물을

 파는 법이랬다고 "고스톱 매뉴얼"을 손수 만들기 시작했습니다.

 공들인 시간이 아깝고, 기왕 만드는 김에 일로 해서 사람들과 공유하기로 마음먹었습니다.

 (아~ 이대목에서는 박수 나와야 되는데 -_-;;)

지금은  우리의 제레미 스타크래프트와 함께~,  화투의 매력에 흠뻑 빠졌더랬습니다.

시간을 투자한 보람을 느끼는 순간.



 일타삼피의 효과

 아무튼 기회가 닿는다면 한번 외국인에게 화투(고스톱)를 가르쳐 보라고 권하고 싶습니다.

의외로 그들도 무척 즐거워한다는 걸 느낄 수 있습니다.

 외국인 친구와 좀 더 친해질 수 있는 계기가 되고, 우리문화 (화투가 왜색이 짙다라던지,

 도박도 문화냐고 딴지를 걸으신다면 할말은 없지만)를 외국인에게 따분하지 않게 설명할

 수 있는 좋은 툴이며, 자신의 외국어 향상에 도움이 될 것으로 믿어 의심치 않습니다.

 보기에는 아주 간단한데, 이를 막상 외국어로 설명하자니 막막한 표현이 한 두가지가 아니었습니다.

  고스톱 영문 매뉴얼에 의미가 있기에 내용은 이정도로 줄이기로 하겠습니다



자료 완성 후 제가 다니는 외국어 영어강사의 감수를 받은 교정본이나 문법이라던가 아니면 틀린 부분이 있다면 기탄없이 영문감수 부탁드립니다.



 영문 Go-Stop 매뉴얼을 소개합니다~!


Chapter 1. Cross-culture

GoStop or Godori is the most popular card game in Korea. The game is played with flower cards called "Hwa-tu" known as "Hana-Fuda" in Japan. (Hwa & Hana means "flower", Tu & Fuda means "Throw")

Hwatu is believed to have been introduced to Korea in the 19th century by merchants from Tsushima Island, Japan. So far, several dozen Hwatu games have been developed in Korea and Japan. But "GoStop" was developed in Korea and it is the most popular one. Nowadays, only few Japanese know Hwatu, but almost every Korean knows it and over half of them can play it.

In holiday seasons like "the Chinese New Years day" or "Chu-suk;Thanksgiving day", people go back to their hometown to visit their parents or relatives. Once gathered, they almost always play GoStop.

In Korea, Gostop or sometimes Poker can be played in the following places.

- at a funeral
- at a housewarming party
- at a workshop (after finishing the agenda)
- on a journey
- rarely on a train or on a ferry
- in some restaurants

Chapter 2. Composition

Hwatu, in total 48 cards, composed of 12 four-card suits, and each suit is named for a different month of the year.

Also hwatu is divided into 4 groups; see a chart below.

Chapter 3. Extra Score Rules

■ Gwang

1. If you have 3 pieces of Gwang and the "Rain Gwang" is the one of them, your score becomes "2" instead of "3"

ex) Generally,
 = 3 points But, = 2 Points

2. If you get all the Gwangs, you get "15"pts
GWANG-BAK : If a player doesn't have any Gwangs, he has to pay double to the winner as long as the winner get points from Gwang.

■ 10-Spot 

If you have all the bird cards, you will get 5 points.
= 5 points, However, doesn't count for Godori.

2. If you have more than 7 pieces, your score becomes double.

■ 5-Spot
"Hongdan;the Red-belt" is 3 points.
"Chungdan;the Blue-belt" is 3 points.
"Chodan" is also 3 points.  However, doesn't count for for Chodan.

■ Pi
1. A double PI has the same value as 2 pieces of an ordinary PI.

When someone has less than 5 PIs, we call it as
"PI BAK". If a player has "PI BAK", he has to pay double to the winner as long as the winner get even 1 point from Pi.

■ Others 
Shaking : If a player initially has 3 cards of a suit in his hand and he wins a game, his final score becomes double.

ex) in a player's hand

The President : If a player initially has all 4 cards of a suit on his hand, he can stop. In this case, the score is 10points.
ex) on a player's hand

3. If a player calls for
"One-GO(the first go)" and he succeed to get other point(s) in his next turn, he can call for "STOP". In this case, he will get an additional 1 point.

4. If the player calls for "Two-Go(the second go)" and he succeeds to get other point(s) in his next turn, he can call for "STOP". In this case, he will get another 1 point (A total of 2 additional points).

5. If the player calls for "Three-Go(the third go)" and he succeed to get other point(s) in his next turn, he can call for "STOP". In this case, his score becomes double.

Chapter 4. How to Play

■ The rule for 3 players

1. The winner of each session gets to play first in the subsequent game. And he becomes a dealer.

2. The play goes counterclockwise: the dealer shuffles and then distributes 4 cards to each player, lays 3 cards face up on the table, then distributes 3 more cards to the players and lays 3 cards on the table again. The remaining cards are stacked in the middle, face down.

- Each player has 7 cards in their hand : I will call them "Your cards"
- In the middle, 6 cards are face up : I will call them
"Common cards"
- In the middle, the remaining cards are face down : I will call them
"Common Stock"

3. GoStop is all about matching and scoring. The basic rules of the game are to draw one of the cards from "Your cards" to match one of the "Common Cards". Once matched, it becomes "Your property".

4. Even if you don't have any matching cards, you still have to put down one card in Common cards from "Your cards". Then, draw the top card from the "Common Stock" and see if there is a matching card among "Common cards". If there's no matching card, the "Common Stock" card you drew is placed with the "Common cards"

5. The objective of playing GoStop is to earn points. Whoever gets 3 points or more first can call for "Go" or "Stop". If the player calls for "Go," then the game resumes. While calling for "Go" can increase your winnings, the player can get a penalty if he/she finally loses. The game ends when a player calls for "Stop"


