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AwesomeMod Updater v2.5.1.125
Created by basbas.
Thanks to darkorical and CaptaiNemo.
---- WHAT DOES IT DO? ----
This batch file downloads and installs AwesomeMod, RuleOf6, NoGreenHair, 3booter and FPS Limiter automatically when you run it. After downloading, it will start 3booter.
New files will only be downloaded if there's a new version available. If everything is up to date, nothing will be downloaded and 3booter will be started immediately.
Please note that the updater ONLY updates AwesomeMod, RuleOf6 and NoGreenHair if it finds them on your system.
---- HOW DO I INSTALL IT? ----
1. Unzip wget.exe and unzip.exe to your system's Windows folder. (usually "C:\Windows").
These files are needed to actually download the files, and to unzip the downloaded zip files.
2. Unzip locale.aweupd to your system's Windows folder. (usually "C:\Windows").
This file is needed to use the correct localized name of The Sims 3.
3. Unzip updater.bat wherever you want. Make a shortcut or place it directly on your desktop, whatever.
---- HOW DO I USE IT? ----
You must be connected to the internet when using this updater.
Run the batch file by double-clicking it.* When you run it for the first time, it has to download everything. This may take some time.
When the process is finished, 3booter will be started immediately.
You should run the updater every time you want to play the game, because then you will always have the latest AwesomeMod and it won't download anything if there are no updates available.
* In Windows Vista and Windows 7, User Account Control (UAC) can block the updater from installing 3booter and FPS Limiter!
To solve this, disable UAC or right-click updater.bat and select "Run as administrator".
---- ERROR CODES ----
If you encounter any errors, find out the meaning of them below:
Error code 1
Meaning: The updater couldn't find the 'wget' command.
How to solve: Make sure you unzipped wget.exe correctly.
Error code 2
Meaning: The updater couldn't find the 'unzip' command.
How to solve: Make sure you unzipped unzip.exe correctly.
Error code 3
Meaning: The updater couldn't find a file named "locale.aweupd" in your Windows directory.
How to solve: Make sure you unzipped locale.aweupd correctly.
Error code 4
Meaning: The updater couldn't find the locale code of The Sims 3 in your registry.
How to solve: There is something wrong with the updater or with your registry. Report this at the forum.
Error code 5
Meaning: The updater couldn't find the correct localized The Sims 3 name for your locale code in locale.aweupd.
How to solve: You are probably using a Chinese, Japanese, Korean or Thai version of The Sims 3. The updater does not work with these languages.
Error code 6
Meaning: The updater couldn't find a folder called Electronic Arts in your (My) Documents folder.
How to solve: This shouldn't happen normally. There may be something wrong with the registry check. Report this at the forum.
Error code 7
Meaning: The updater couldn't find a folder called "The Sims 3" in your (My) Documents\Electronic Arts folder.
How to solve: This shouldn't happen normally. Report this at the forum.
Error code 8
Meaning: The updater couldn't find a folder called Mods in your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 folder (You haven't set up your mods via The New Way).
If you see this error code, you can press 1 to let the updater create a basic mod folder structure via The New Way.
How to solve: Press 1, or read the instructions here to do it manually: http://www.modthesims.info/wiki.php?title=Game_Help:Installing_Sims_3_Package_Files/Setup_and_Files
Error code 9
Meaning: The updater couldn't download versions.html from both mirrors. This is probably because the servers are down.
How to solve: Try again later or check your internet connection. If the problem keeps occuring, this may be a permanent issue. Please ask for support in the thread at MATY.
Error code 10
Meaning: The updater couldn't find an installation of The Sims 3.
How to solve: Install The Sims 3. If you already have installed The Sims 3, make sure you have done it properly or report this at the forum.
Error code 11
Meaning: The updater couldn't find awesome.package somewhere in Documents\Elecronic Arts or subfolders.
If you see this error code, the updater has already downloaded the necessary files. To save disk space, you can press 1 to let the updater clean up the download folder.
How to solve: Make sure you have installed AwesomeMod.
Error code 12
Meaning: The updater didn't move 3booter and/or FPS Limiter into the right folder.
If you see this error code, the updater has already downloaded the necessary files. To save disk space, you can press 1 to let the updater clean up the download folder.
How to solve: In Windows Vista and Windows 7, User Account Control (UAC) can block the updater from installing 3booter and FPS Limiter. To solve this, disable UAC or right-click updater.bat and select "Run as administrator".
---- Q & A ----
Q: Is it safe to put things into the Windows folder?
A: Yes, it is.
Q: Will this harm my computer?
A: No, of course it won't. Just run it and see if it displays error messages. If it doesn't, it works fine. Probably.
Q: I don't want to have RuleOf6 or NoGreenHair in my game. Will the updater install them anyway?
A: No. It will only install them if they already exist on your computer.
Q: What do I have to do if it displays an error message?
A: Read the Readme and read the text behind 'How to solve'.
Q: How do I edit the batch file?
A: Right-click updater.bat and then click 'edit'. You should only edit the batch file if you know what you're doing!
Q: Can I use this as an AwesomeMod Easy Installer?
A: No, you can't. It checks for an installed version of AwesomeMod first.
Q: Can I use this as a RuleOf6 Easy Installer?
A: No, you can't. It checks for an installed version of RuleOf6 first.
Q: Can I use this as a NoGreenHair Easy Installer?
A: No, you can't. It checks for an installed version of NoGreenHair first.
Q: Can I use this as a 3booter/FPS Limiter Easy Installer?
A: Yes, you can, as it automatically chooses the right folder to install it.
Q: What do I have to do if I have another question?
A: Ask me.