Hi Members,
The summer season is fast approaching and
we’ve already been experiencing such a heat wave
very earlier than usual. As we all remember that we had had a
really terrible hot summer last year,
every body must be worrying that those
burning weather days may come by again.
Now how are you spending these days and what
do you think is the best way to get over the
expected heating weather?
Returning to the subject, it’s time for
us to get together again and I’m pleased to announce that
E-club’s 2nd
quarterly meeting is scheduled to be held as follows.
This time, we are going on a 3~4km hike
through Mt.남산 starting from the entrance to Hotel Hyatt,
moving down through
남산한옥마을 to 충무로 or 장충동 to have a light dinner
mixed with
cool draft beers, etc
The running time for hiking is expected
to take 2~3 hours including a break time for snacks,
refreshments & soft
For your reference, the general plan is subject to change with
number of joiners.
1. 일시 및 집결장소 : 6월22 [토] 오후: 4:00 지하철 4호선 삼각지역 1번 출구
(삼각지역에서 3번 마을버스 승차후 Hyatt Hotel 입구에서 하차하여 하이킹 시작함)
2. 준비물: 초여름 하이킹에 적합한 복장 및 식수, 기호품등은 각자 지참 (5060카페명찰 필참)
3. 기타: 영어회화방 정기모임이지만 부득이한(?) 경우 이외에는 상호간의 대화에서 영어는
사용하지 않고 각자의 모국어를 사용한다…^^
So we welcome any other member of 5060 café
who’s interested in E-club meeting
Please come join us and let’s have a fun
time breathing in fresh air at woody 남산 둘레길~~
P.S) Contact : 010-3098-2513 (방장: 이젠백)

처음 오시는 회원님이시네요~.
방갑게 환영합니다 어서오세요~~^^
굴레방님 반갑습니다
절 기억하실지요 ㅎ
길동무방에서 자주 뵈었었지요
굴레방님 환영합니다~
삼각지역으로 오실거지요?
네. 삼각지역에서 뵙죠.
몇년전 잠실에 이어 이번이 두번째입니다.
애니님 길동무에서.
I will be at the wedding during the day and go straight to the restaurant in the evening.
Sorry for the late comments.
다르마님~ 오셔야지요~~^^
왜안오시나 톡드리려했어요~~ㅎ
당근 오셔야지요
저녁때 봬요~
토론토님 그체구로 숨으셨나요?
지난번 인사동 번개치시고
벙주가 그날 멋지게 쏘시고는
지금은 어디에?
요즘 안바쁘신거 아는데~~ㅎ
토론토님은 짐 서울을 떠나 멀리계시고 내일 오신다네요.
멀리 숨으셔도 다 보입니다요. ㅋㅋ
넘 늦게 참석 알리게 되었네요
It took-me a long time to get together.
Anyway lm sorry for the late answer.
I will be there 6:30pm.
Noted and welcome.
Please contact Ms. 리이 to get informations on the restaurant for our dinner.
핑크수정님 ~
오신다니 넘 좋아요
저녁에 뵈요~~^^