Hoof Abscesses
진단을 놓치기 쉬운 이유
1. 발굽 안에 박테리아 감염으로 시작되는 질환으로 감염 초기에는 증상이 없으며 서서히 진행하면서 발굽 안에 농양이 구축되면서
증상이 나타난다.
2. 발굽의 바닥에 특이한 상처나 자국이 없는 경우가 많다.
One summer my daughter's OTTB spent much of his time in the pasture. On and off, he would become very lame, but there was
nothing visible. There was no heat anywhere in the foot or leg, no swelling or any obvious sign of the problem.
After a few weeks, the reason became apparent. Hoof abscesses began erupting from the coronet band of each front foot.
Over the summer, more abscesses would continue to erupt.
Finally, for whatever reason, they stopped, and he hasn't been plagued with this problem since.
That's one of the frustrating things about hoof abscesses, they sometimes come and go for no obvious reason.
Hoof abscesses are one of the most common lameness problems in horses. Because the hoof wall is hard, any swelling causes
pressure inside, which is extremely painful for the horse.
발굽 농양은 말에서 가장 흔한 파행 문제중 하나이다.
발굽 안에 부기가 있는 경우, 발굽 벽이 단단하기 때문에 내부 압력으로 극도의 통증을 일으킨다.
Other Names for Hoof Abscesses:
Hoof bacterial infection, pus in the foot
Causes of Abscesses:
More difficult is when the abscess or a series of abscesses seem to be occurring for no visible reason.
In our gelding's case, I believe poor hoof trimming was causing small stress lines in the hoof, where bacteria could enter.
Sand or grit working its way up into the white line of the foot may have caused abscesses.
Sometimes the cause is not obvious and the combination of diet, stress, stall bedding or pasture footing, poor hoof care and other
unknown factors contribute.
With good trims, a more natural diet and less stress, my daughter's gelding's abscesses are a thing of the past.
The most obvious symptom is that the horse may be very lame on one or more feet.
There may be heat in the hoof or heat in the pastern and fetlock areas.
There may be an obvious pulse in the artery that runs up over the back of the fetlock, just above from the hoof.
발굽 농양의 가장 많은 주요한 증상으로는 하나 이상의 다리를 저는 것이며,
발굽, 발목 혹은 구절부위에 열이 있을 수 있으며, 말굽 바로 위의 구절 뒤에서 올라가는 동맥혈관의 맥박을 촉지할 수도 있다.
Your farrier can help you if you suspect hoof abscesses. You may want the farrier to pull your horse's shoes and examine the foot for any signs of puncture or where infection might have entered.
A hoof tester can be used find sensitive areas on the bottom of the hoof. If a particularly sensitive spot is found the farrier may open up the area with a small hole, allowing the infection to drain.
If there is pressure built up in the site of the infection, your horse will experience some pain relief.
For infections that are further up the hoof, there is little do but keep your horse on good footing and wait until the abscess breaks out through the coronet band.
The farrier may recommend a poultice to draw out any further infection, and you will want to keep the horse standing on very clean bedding or pasture while healing takes place. You may soak the horse's foot with Epsom salts to clean and draw out infection,
and you may be instructed to flush out the drainage hole with an antibacterial.
우리는 발굽 농양이 의심되면 수의사의 진료를 요청하는 것이 가장 중요하다.
수의사는 진단을 위해서 농양 의심부위(발굽 바닥의 압통이 있는 부위)에 천자를 시행하여 염증부위 내압을 줄임으로서 통증을 완화시키고, 배농을 시행하여 치료기간을 단축시킨다. 이것은 진단과 치료에 가장 중요한 것이다.
환부의 배농 시행과 소독약으로 세척한후 지속적으로 드레인 출구를 유지하면서 환부 치료 및 약물투여를 필요로한다.
The infection may take longer to heal as it works its way up and the abscess may eventually open up in the coronary band along
the top of the hoof.
You may notice your horse having a small very sensitive swollen area on the coronary band just before the abscess breaks.
If your horse has small horizontal "cuts" further down the hoof wall, you can suspect an abscess in the past, especially if your
horse was mysteriously lame for a time.
If the farrier has decided the abscess is very severe, you may want to consult a veterinarian.
Your horse will be in a lot of pain and there is a slight chance of the infection spreading.
Good health is the best preventative for most diseases and illnesses.
Balanced trims will prevent flares and imbalances that may put extra stress on hoof structures.
Pastures and stall bedding should be clean to stand on. Regular cleaning will reveal any puncture wounds or objects lodged in
the hoof.
건강은 대부분의 질환과 질병에 대한 최선의 예방이다.
균형 잡힌 트림은 발굽 끝이 위로 벌어지거나 불균형으로 발굽구조에 과도한 중압을 줄수 있는 것을 방지 할 수 있다.
방목장과 마굿간 깔짚은 항상 깨끗해야 한다.
발굽의 정기적인 청소는 발굽에 어떤 찔린 상처가 있는 지, 발굽에 박혀있는 이물질이 있는 지 확인할 수 있게 한다.
색인; OTTB(퇴역 경주마 더러브렛)
The initials OTTB stand for 'off the track Thoroughbred'.
Off the track Thoroughbreds are ex-race horses. When a Thoroughbred's racing career is over, they often find second careers as pleasure horses, polo ponies, dressage horses, hunters and jumpers.
출처; http://horses.about.com/od/diseasesandillness/p/hoofabscesses.htm
참고; http://www.horsecollaborative.com/hoof-abscesses-about/
첫댓글 우리 말들도 여러번 이런 발굽 답창으로 고생 햇답니다.발을 절면 발굽보다는 관절을 보기 쉬우나 발굽 내 문제인 경우가 많앗지요.
좋은 글 입니다.
저도 이 글을 읽으면서 발굽에 흔히 발생하는 질환이라는 것을 알게 되었어요. 남의 일이 아니라는 것을.
아마 기승하는 것, 편자를 하므로 발굽이 약해지는 것 이러한 것도 발생의 빈도를 높이겠죠. 베어 발굽도 트리밍을 잘 해야되며, 작은 크랙이 있어도 모래알이 끼임으로 감염통로를 만들수 있다는 것에 자주 솔질뿐 아니라 세척후 확인해야 할 사항인가 염려가 되네요. 이젯껏 호날두가 건강하게 자라온 것이 고맙게 느껴집니다.