Kim Jong-il Has Died
The world knows North Korea’s leader has died but the details of Kim Jong-il’s birth are still a state secret. It’s believed he was born in Siberia 1941 while his parents were in exile. North Korea promoted him as their revered dear leader. To the outside world he was a brutal dictator. Kim Jong-il officially came to power when his father Kim Il-sung died in 1994. It was the first dynastic succession in communist history. But Kim Jong-il had been running the country behind the scenes for years. Beyond borders he was rumored to be a playboy, famously wore platform shoes and had an affinity for women, wine, and American movies. Under his leadership North Korea poured funds into its military and an aggressive nuclear weapons program. North Koreans paid the price. Widespread famine throughout the 90s killed an estimated 2 million people. In 1998 he stunned the world by conducting a missile test with rockets the CIA said could reach the US. By October 2006 North Korea had conducted its first successful underground nuclear test. Kim Jong-il has at times made compliant promises for much needed aid. But in 2009 North Korea pulled out of talks aimed at ending its nuclear program and kicked weapons inspectors out of the country. Later that year two American journalists were detained for months, accused of crossing the border illegally. In exchange for their release North Korea demanded a meeting with former president Bill Clinton. Kim Jong-il reportedly unwell at the time treated the trip like a state visit. But the US hasn’t had diplomatic relations with North Korea for some time. With Kim Jong-il‘s passing North Korea may have lost a dictator but it maintains the secrecy he imposed for years. Gloria Riviera ABC News.
10.1 Glossary for NEW WORD
detail [díːteil] The details of something are its individual features or elements.
ex) This issue will be discussed in more detail in the next chapter.
exile [éɡzail] If someone is living in exile, they are living in a foreign country because they cannot live in their own country, usually for political reasons.
ex) He returned after 40 years of exile.
be in exile 망명 중이다
ex) The former president was in exile.
promote [prəmoʊt] If people promote something, they help or encourage it to happen, increase, or spread.
ex) The band has gone on tour to promote their new album.
revered [rivíərd] profoundly honored
ex) He is a revered senior member of our neighborhood.
brutal [brúːtl] Brutal is used to describe things that have an unpleasant effect on people, especially when there is no attempt by anyone to reduce their effect.
ex) The 20th century brought brutal change to some countries.
dictator [díkteitər] A dictator is a ruler who has complete power in a country, especially power which was obtained by force and is used unfairly or cruelly.
ex) The military dictator came into power this year.
dynastic [dainǽstik(əl)] Dynastic means typical of or relating to a dynasty.
succession [səkséʃən] A succession of things of the same kind is a number of them that exist or happen one after the other.
ex) She's third in order of succession to the throne.
communist [kɑ́mjunist] Communist means relating to communism.
behind the scenes: not seen by the public
ex) The students were able to go behind the scenes to see how programs are made.
platform [plǽtfɔːrm] A platform is a flat raised structure or area, usually one which something can stand on or land on. (구두의 높은) 통굽
ex) platform shoes
affinity [əfínəti] If you have an affinity with someone or something, you feel that you are similar to them or that you know and understand them very well.
ex) Sam was born in the country and had a deep affinity with nature.
fund [fʌnd] Funds are amounts of money that are available to be spent, especially money that is given to an organization or person for a particular purpose.
ex) The hospital is trying to raise funds for a new kidney machine.
aggressive [əɡrésiv] People who are aggressive in their work or other activities behave in a forceful way because they are very eager to succeed.
ex) A good salesperson has to be aggressive in today's competitive market.
widespread [wáidspréd] Something that is widespread exists or happens over a large area, or to a great extent.
ex) The plan received widespread support throughout the country.
famine [fǽmin] Famine is a situation in which large numbers of people have little or no food, and many of them die.
ex) Thousands of refugees are trapped by war, drought and famine.
estimated [éstəmèitid] a judgment that you make without having the exact details or figures about the size, amount, cost, etc. of sth
ex) An estimated 16 million youngsters under age 18 have internet capability at home.
stun [stʌ́n] If you are stunned by something, you are extremely shocked or surprised by it and are therefore unable to speak or do anything.
ex) Many cinema-goers were stunned by the film's violent and tragic end.
conduct [kɑ́ndʌkt] When you conduct an activity or task, you organize it and carry it out.
ex) He said they were conducting a campaign against democrats across the country.
at times: sometimes
ex) At times I wonder whether he'll ever get a job.
compliant [kəmpláiənt] If you say that someone is compliant, you mean they willingly do what they are asked to do.
ex) We should not be producing compliant students who do not dare to criticize.
inspector [inspéktər] An inspector is a person, usually employed by a government agency, whose job is to find out whether people are obeying official regulations.
ex) The mill was finally shut down by state safety inspectors.
detain [ditéin] When people such as the police detain someone, they keep them in a place under their control.
ex) One man has been detained for questioning.
accuse [əkjúːz] If you accuse someone of doing something wrong or dishonest, you say or tell them that you believe that they did it.
ex) She accused him of lying.
diplomatic [dìpləmǽtik] Diplomatic means relating to diplomacy and diplomats.
ex) Diplomatic relations between the two countries were severed.
impose [ɪmpoʊz] If you impose something on people, you use your authority to force them to accept it.
ex) The conditions imposed on volunteers were stringent.
10.2 Translation
북한 김정일 사망
전 세계가 북한의 지도자 김정일이 사망했다는 것을 알게 되었지만 그의 출생에 대해서는 아직도 국가 기밀입니다. 그의 부모가 망명 중이었던 1941년에 시베리아에서 태어났다고 믿어지고 있습니다. 북한은 그를 위대한 수령님으로 추앙했습니다. 외부 세계에서 그는 악랄한 독재자였습니다. 김정일은 그의 아버지 김일성이 1984년에 죽었을 때 공식적으로 권력을 잡았습니다. 공산주의 역사상 최초의 부자세습이었습니다. 그러나 김정일은 수십 년 동안 장막에 가려진 채로 북한을 이끌어왔습니다. 국경 너머로는 그가 바람둥이라느니 굽 높은 신을 신는다느니, 여자, 와인 그리고 미국 영화를 너무나 좋아했다는 소문이 자자했습니다. 그의 통치아래, 북한은 군사력과 공격적인 핵 무기 프로그램에 자금을 쏟아부었습니다. 그리고 북한 사람들은 그에 대한 대가를 받았습니다. 90년대 내내 광범위한 기근으로 2백 명 가량의 사람들이 죽었습니다. 1998년에는 CIA에 의하면 미국까지도 도달할 수 있는 로켓으로 미사일 실험을 감행해서 세계를 놀라게 했습니다. 2006년 10월에는 북한이 최초로 지하 핵실험을 성공적으로 수행했습니다. 김정일은 때때로 필요한 원조를 얻기 위해서 세계질서에 순응하겠다는 약속을 했었습니다. 그러나 2009년에 북한은 핵 무기 프로그램을 종식시키고자 했던 회담에 불참하고 핵무기 사찰단을 쫓아냈습니다. 2009년 후반에는 두 명의 미국인 저널리스트들을 불법으로 국경을 넘었다는 이유로 여러 달 동안 억류시켰습니다. 북한은 그들을 풀어주는 조건으로 미국 전 대통령 빌 클린턴과의 회담을 요청했습니다. 보도에 따르면, 그 당시에 건강이 좋지 못했던 김정일이 국빈 방문처럼 대우했다고 합니다. 그러나 미국은 한동안 북한과 외교 관계를 갖지 않았습니다. 김정일이 사망함으로써 북한은 독재자를 잃었을 지도 모르지만 수년 동안 그가 억눌렀던 비밀스러움은 그대로 유지될 겁니다. ABC뉴스의 Gloria Riviera가 전해드렸습니다.
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