With its launch today, North Korea committed a highly provocative act that threatens peace, violates UN Security Council Resolutions, and contravenes its international obligations. Shortly after the launch, General Thurman and I met with Foreign Minister Kim Sung-hwan and separately with Defense Minister Kim Kwan-jin and Joint Chiefs of Staff General Jung Seung-jo to consult on the way forward. I also had a good discussion with National Security Advisor Chun. Given these threats by North Korea, I can assure you that the United States will strengthen its already close coordination with our allies.

General Thurman and I consult with Foreign Minister Kim Sung-hwan on DPRK launch.
(Photo courtesy of Yonhap News)

General Thurman and I work together with Minister of National Defense Kim
Kwan-Jin and
Chairman of ROK Joint Chiefs of Staff Jung following the
DPRK's irresponsible launch.
(Photo courtesy of Yonhap News)
If there is some positive news in this most recent example of North Korea’s irresponsible behavior, it is in the close collaboration between our allies in the face of yet another North Korean provocation. ROK and U.S. partners constantly work together to prepare for any contingency. From the first moments of this provocative act, as the threat unfolded, and now as we prepare for our next steps, the U.S. and ROK have worked cooperatively and collaboratively to address this threat to regional stability. Today, we are committed to working together to send North Korea an unmistakable message. Violations of UN Security Council Resolutions have consequences. In Seoul, Tokyo, Washington, New York, Beijing, Moscow and elsewhere, we are working with our other partners to insist that North Korea live up to its commitments, adhere to its international obligations, and deal peacefully with its neighbors.
North Korea’s use of its scarce resources for ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons programs does not enhance its national security or improve the well-being of its people. Such actions never will. Only by taking steps to join the international community by abiding by international norms will North Korea find what it seeks. And in so doing, North Korea would begin the most important and difficult work ahead of feeding its citizens, educating its children and winning the trust and acceptance of its neighbors.