관련 논문
206개의 뼈 성장
나이에 따라 성장판이 닫히는데, 모든 뼈의 성장판은 동시에 닫히지 않는다.
상지의 성장판이 닫히는 순서
- 쇄골, 상완골, 요골, 척골은 거의 20세가 되어야 닫힌다.
하지의 성장판이 닫히는 순서
- 골반은 20세가 되어야 성장판이 닫힌다.
- 경골의 성장판이 13세에 가장 빨리 닫힌다.
참고) 뼈에 대한 이해
Adult human skeleton has 206 bones.
Babies born with ~ 300 bones but fusion occurs as a child develops.
99% of bodies calcium is in bone.
80% of bone tissue by weight is minerals.
Longest bone (femur)
Smallest bone (stapes)
Males have slightly thicker and longer legs and arms
Females have a wider pelvis and a larger pelvic cavity
Bone groups
Axial skeleton (80 bones)
skull (29 bones)
thorax (25 bones)
vertebrae (33 bones)
Auditory ossicles
Hyoid bone
Appendicular skeleton (126 bones)
pectoral girdle (4 bones)
upper extremity (60 bones)
lower extremity (60 bones)
and pelvic girdle (2 bones)
Long bones
Round bones comprising:
diaphysis - shaft
epiphyses - 2 expanded ends
Bone Structure and Growth
Ossification - processes of bone formation.
Osteoblasts - cells that form the bone matrix. They transform into
Osteocytes - cells isolated inside the mineralized bone matrix.
Osteoclasts - cells important to bone remodeling.
Types of Bone
Cancellous (spongy) bone - less dense bone tissue found at the epiphyses of the long bones and in axial bones, such as the skull. 30-90% porosity.
Cortical (compact) bone - tissue with high proportion of bone. 5-30% porosity.
All bone is anisotropic (i.e. its mechanical property changes when loads are applied in different directions).
Bone: Mechanical properties
Most important properties are strength and stiffness of bone.
Fractures occur when the bone is loaded to failure.
Compression fractures are commonest in cancellous bone (e.g. fractured skull)
Bending and torsional fractures are commonest in cortical bone (e.g. broken tibia).
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